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The Faculty of Philology started functioning as the Department of History and Philology in 2000, became the Faculty of History and Philology in 2001, and started functioning as an independent Faculty of Philology in May 2003. Since 11.01.2024 (Order K- 04/2), the faculty is headed by associate professor Gunel Bakhsheyish gizi Pashayeva.
Pashayeva Gunel Bakhsheyish was born in the city of Sumgait. She graduated with honors from Sumgayit State University's Faculty of Philology.
According to the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated June 23, 2017 (protocol N17-k), the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Philology, with the decision dated 16.12.2022, she received the scientific title of associate professor of the Azerbaijani language specialty of the field of Philology due to her scientific and pedagogical activity.
She regularly participates in national and international scientific conferences, her articles are published in different countries. She is the author of 1 textbook, 1 monograph, 5 subject programs, about 40 scientific articles and theses.
The Faculty of Philology has 103 faculty members, including 8 associate professors, professors, 32 associate professors, 41 head teachers, and 22 teachers. At present, 16 people are engaged in scientific work in the Doctor of Sciences program and 16 people in the Doctor of Philosophy program at the faculty.
Teaching at the faculty is carried out in full-time and part-time form. 1142 people study at the faculty (978 full-time, 164 part-time) and 24 people (full-time) at the master's level.
Majors at the undergraduate level:
-Teaching Azerbaijani language and literature
-Philology (Azerbaijani language and literature)
- Psychology
-Preschool education
-Primary class teaching
- Foreign language teaching (in languages)
- Social-psychological service in education
- Music teaching (piano, tar, kamancha, accordion, saz)
Majors and Specializations at Master's Degree
-Azerbaijani language
- Azerbaijani literature
- Literary studies (literature of European countries)
- Literary studies (Literature of Turkish peoples)
-Linguistics (English language) specializations
Teaching specialty of Azerbaijani language and literature
- Specialization in teaching methodology and methodology of Azerbaijani language and literature
Psychology major
-Child and age psychology
- General psychology specializations
Preschool training and upbringing specialty
- Methodology and methodology specialization of pre-school training and upbringing
Pedagogical specialty
-Pedagogical theory and historical specialization
Specializations for the Doctorate (Doctor of Philosophy) level:
-Azerbaijani linguistics
-Azerbaijani literature
-World literature
The main scientific-research directions of the faculty:
- Sources, regularities of formation and development of modern Azerbaijani language and literature;
-Directions of studying Azerbaijani language and literature;
-Onomology of Azerbaijani language and development of speech culture;
-Problems of teaching foreign languages (English and German), comparative linguistics, world literature;
-Issues of Russian language teaching, comparative typological linguistics, Russian literature.
Philology faculty chairs and scientific research laboratories
Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-18 642-16-20