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Clerical office
General Office of Sumgayit State University was founded according to clerical work instruction of the Ministry of Education of the Azerbaijan Republic and in accordance with the statue of SSU.
The office is led by Mammadova Elnara. 
The number of employees is 10.
The functions of the General office are: 
Organizing clerical work of SSU; presenting documents incoming from the Department of the Presidential Administration of the Azerbaijan Republic, Cabinet of the Ministers,  Milli Majlis, Ministry of Education, other institutions and organizations to the university administration, providing their distribution to proper structural sections, controlling the execution of documents ; preparing orders and commandments, letters, references and other documents in accordance with the instruction of the administration; registering and distributing them after rector’s signature; sealing the documents signed by the SSU administration; organizing the reception of citizens efficiently; placing executed documents of the structural sections of SSU to the archive; organizing the expertise of archive documents; preparing them for handing to the state archives.
Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-018-64-2-15-06