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Solid State and Semiconductors Physics
In 1976, the Higher mathematics and Physics departments were established on the basis of the Higher Mathematics and physics department, and until 1976-1990 prof. E.M. Gojayev led this department. In 1990-1996, associate professor E.H. Mammadov  and in 1996-2001, prof. M.M. Zarbaliyev led the department.
In 2002, General physics and Theoretical physics departments were established on the basis of physics department; in 2004 departments of Solid state electronics and Semiconductors were created. According to the decision of Scientific Board of Sumgayit State University dated 30.03.2017 those two departments were united and called department of Solid State and Semiconductor physics. Till the structural change docent R.M.Ismayilov led Solid state physics department and M.M.Zarbaliyev led  the department of Semiconductors physics. Currently, professor M.M.Zarbaliyev is leading the department.
There are 13 professors and teachers, 2 doctors of physical and mathematical sciences, professors, 7 candidates of physical and mathematical sciences, docent,3 assistants, 6 teaching assistants at the department.
1. Dr. of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Zarbaliyev Mahammadali Mazahir oglu
2. Dr. of physical and mathematical sciences, professor Nurullayev Yusif Gushu oglu
3. Cand. of physical and mathematical sciences, docent Mammadov Eldar Hamza oglu
4. Cand. of physical and mathematical sciences, docent Ismayilov Ramiz Mazahir oglu
5. Cand. of physical and mathematical sciences, docent Bayramov Joshgun Jumshud oglu
6. Cand. of physical and mathematical sciences, docent Sardarova Naila Sohrab gizi
7. Cand. of physical and mathematical sciences, docent Orujov Samir Kamal oglu
8. PhD in Physics, docent Aliquliyeva Khayala Vagif gizi
9. PhD in Physics, docent Guliyeva Gulnara Huseyn gizi
10. Assistant Alasgarova Durdana Murtuza gizi
11. Assistant Guliyeva Kifayat Ajdar gizi
12. Assistant Garibli Aysel Fizuli gizi
13. Head of laboratory Otarkhanova Gullu Nizami gizi
14. Senior lab.assist. Khalilova Rubaba Javanshir gizi
15. Senior lab.assist. Abdulova Izzat Najmaddin gizi
16. Lab.assist. Hasanova Sevda Rauf gizi
17. Lab.assist. Gurbanaliyeva Ulviyya Gahad gizi
18. Prep. Ibrahimova Afat Bayram gizi
PhD ,dissertation and master students are trained at the department for majors of semiconductors physics and solid state. 5 doctoral , 2 dissertation students and more than 50 master"s students successfully defended their dissertations under the guidance of the department staff.
The new department faces the issue of training highly qualified specialists in physics and physics teaching specialties, and semiconductor physics, semiconductor devices and microelectronics  at the undergraduate level , as well as atomic and molecular physics specializations.
Subjects in bachelor degree:
1. Atomic physics
2. Nuclear physics
3. Solid state physics
4. Physical electronics
5. Quantum electronics
6. Optoelectronics
7. Solid state electronics
8. Optics
9. Astronomy
10. Astrophysics
11. Classical mechanics
12. Electrodynamics
13. Quantum mechanics
14. Thermodynamics and statistical physics
15. Radiophysics
16. Substance structure
17. Experimental physics research methods
18. Semiconductors and dielectrics physics
19. Physics of nanoparticles
20. Electronic theory of semiconductors
21. Kinetic effects in semiconductors
22. Quantum physics
23. Optical and quantum electronics
24. Quantum theory of multi-electron systems
Subject in master’s degree
1. Modern problems of physics
2. History and methodology of physics
3. Electronic theory of semiconductors and kinetic events
4. Physical basis of solid electronics
5. Semiconductor devices
6. Microelectronics
7. Vacuum and plasma electronics
8. Physical basis of HHTelectronics
9. Optical and quantum physics
10. Material and elements of electronic technique
11. Research methods
12. Solid state electronics device technology
13. Thermoelectric refrigerators
14. Heating technology and technical thermodynamics
15. Physical basis of optoelectronics
16. Electronic theory of semiconductors
17. Kinetic events in semiconductors
18. Obtaining semiconductor materials and technologies for cultivating monocrystals
19. Galvanomagnetic and thermomagnetic effects in semiconductors
20. Statistics of loaders and quantum theory of transferring in solid bodies
21. Impact of external factors on optical properties of semiconductors
22. Crystallography elements
23. Thermal and elastic properties of semiconductors
Main scientific directions:
1. Development of obtaining, synthesis and cultivation of monocrystals technology of complex semiconductor compound with rare earth element and solid solutions; identification of their application perspectives.
2. Obtaining of compounds applied in microelectronics, their contacts, investigation of their physical-chemical properties and application.
3. High energy physics. Determination of the mass at the arbitrary value of the hyperfunctions of particles.
Important scientific results obtained:
1. TlIn1-xYbxTe2¬ (0≤x≤0.10) solid solutions were synthesized and their single crystals were grown.
2. It was determined that TlIn1-xYbxTe2¬ solid solutions have hole permeability in the form of a strongly torn hole gas in the studied temperature range (80÷1000K). Specific conductivity is observed at temperatures T≥650K.
3. The nature of the temperature dependence of and is explained by the presence of two types of charge carriers in the studied material.
4. Starting from x=0.05, when passing from TlInTe2 to solid solutions obtained on its basis, it was concluded that the strong change of the temperature dependence of is due to the transition from a semiconductor to a narrowband semiconductor.
5. The proposed semiconductor model with one (holes) and two (electrons and holes) charge carriers, taking into account the scattering of charge carriers from ion centers, acoustic and optical phonons, defects and explains thermoelectric properties well.
7. Electrical conductivity and Hall effect were studied in p-CdxHg1-xTe (0.27  x  0.30) single crystals in the temperature range of 77 - 300 К. The width of the forbidden zone Еg and the concentration of additive levels and the activation energy Еа were determined from the dependences of (Т) and Rx(Т) for the studied compositions. It was determined that the dominant scattering mechanism in the considered temperature range is Coulomb scattering from the Coulomb potential (from ionized additives and holes), and the mobility of charge carriers increases with increasing temperature.
8. As the size of nanoparticles decreases, the width of the forbidden band increases from Eg=2.02 eV to Eg=2.18 eV. The quantum effect becomes more pronounced when the size of the GaSe nanostructure becomes smaller than D=10 nm. The temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity of GaSe nanoparticle in the temperature range of 200 - 300K is exponential.
The activation energy of charge carriers was calculated from the inclination of log =f (1/T) dependence, Еа= 0.32 eV.
9. LED layers with InGaN/GaN multilayer quantum holes were grown by Metal Organic Gas Phase Epitaxy method, and blue LED chips were obtained from them. As a result of the electroluminescence study of the received LED chips (x=0.156:y=0.216), color coordinates and dominant wavelength λd=451nm were determined.
The book "Physics of Semiconductors" published by prof.M. M. Zarbaliyev in 2008 is a textbook that meets modern requirements for higher education students in our republic. His monograph "Methods for determining the electrophysical parameters of semiconductors", "Practicum from the physics of semiconductors" (E.H. Mammadov and A.B. Nagiyev), "Physical issues" for students studying on the "Tempus" program (A.B. Nagiyev and N.S. Sardarova), "Issues and questions from astronomy" (M.M. Zarbaliyev, E.H. Mammadov, T.G. Jafarov), "Research methods of experimental physics" (M.M. Zarbaliyev, E.H. Mammadov, F.F. Aliyev) teaching aids are useful and necessary resources. Employees of the department also carry out scientific-research works in the direction of obtaining semiconductor compounds that can be applied in microelectronics, studying their contact, physical-chemical properties and applications. 6 teaching aids, 4 methodical resources, 122 articles, 38 syllabuses and 46 subject programs were published for the department.
Scientific research conducted in the department is multifaceted. The department cooperates with this universities: Institute of Physics of ANAS, Institute of Photoelectronics, Baku State University, National Aviation Academy, Azerbaijan Technical University, Laboratory of Physics of Magnetic Materials of the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus, Department of Biophysics and Information Technologies in Medicine of the Bukhara State Medical Institute of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The  scope of relations and mutual cooperation with other scientific institutions is expanding.
From the staff of the department, prof. M.M. Zarbeliyev was awarded the "Honorary diploma" of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 2012, the "Advanced Education Worker" medal in 2017, and the honorary title of "Honored teacher" by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan  for the 60th anniversary of Sumgayit State University in November 2022  for his services in the development of education in Azerbaijan. R.M. Ismayilov - the international diploma of a young scientist of the 21st century in 2003, in 2012 by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, in 2014 by the Educators Free Trade Union, and with the winner"s diploma in 2021 by the Sumgayit State University the best textbook and manual competition. X.V. Aliguliyeva -in 2022, the Honorary decree of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the certificate of the International forum called "New Problems in Education", the Honorary Decree of the Sumgayit Executive Power for their effective scientific and pedagogical activity, US. Deport Ment of State Virtual Professional Development course series, the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "Innovative Youth" diploma organized by the "Kainat" Youth Center with the support of the Youth Fund
A scholarship and diploma of the Swiss Young Scientists Support Fund, 2 times the grant project for the CIS Young Researchers of the United Nuclear Research Institute of Dubna Russia.
The III grant competition of the Young Scientists and Specialists of the Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and  with the certificate of the "Clean room" training organized by the Unam Center of Ankara Bilkent University.
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Phone: +994-018-64-2-15-06