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Home | News | International scientific conference was held on “Functional monomers and polymer materials with specific properties: problems, perspectives and practical views” at Sumgayit State University
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 15 November 2017 15:31
International scientific conference was held on “Functional monomers and polymer materials with specific properties: problems, perspectives and practical views” at Sumgayit State University

On November 15, international scientific conference was held dedicated to 55th Anniversary of SSU on “Functional monomers and polymer materials with specific properties: problems, perspectives and practical views” co-organized with Polymer Materials Institute of ANAS at Sumgayit State University. The scholars of Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Uzbekistan and other countries participated at the conference. 
Rector of university Professor Elkhan Huseynov commenced the conference, greeted the guests, expressed his satisfaction for their visit to the university and widely spoke about history of chemical industry, gained achievements and perspectives. He mentioned that, since 1969 rapid development has started in political and economic life of the country. During the administration of Great leader HeydarAliyev all fields of industry and agriculture have developed rapidly, great achievements have been gained, economic potential of republic has strengthened. It should be noted that, these achievements are the result of Great leader’s care and attention to the growth of industry of petrochemistry which is one of the significant spheres of Azerbaijan economy. He has several services on establishing new economically efficient production fields, expanding and modernizing production on the base of advanced technologies. Presently, industry of petrochemistry is growing day by day. Rector emphasized that, thanks to economic policy founded by Heydar Aliyev and carried on by President Ilham Aliyev, the country completed transition period in the field of economy successfully. Paying special attention to perspective improvement of industry of petrochemistry, Ilham Aliyev initiated to establish Chemical Industry Park uniting several enterprises in Sumgayit. 
Elkhan Huseynov pointed out that, Sumgayit State University explores significant steps in training qualified cadres for the growth of country’s scientific potential. For this purpose our bilateral relations are developing with Polymer Materials Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Our university has founded base department “Technology of polymer materials” in PMI. The base department trains specialists for providing the demands of republican and foreign chemical enterprises and companies. Sumgayit State University expands mutual relations with industrial enterprises of the city, the students studying chemistry and chemical engineering visit those enterprises for practice.
Head of Polymer Materials Institute, correspondent member of ANAS Bakhtiyar Mammadov emphasized the importance of the conference. He noted that, holding this kind of conferences will play an important role in determining new perspective directions of scientific-research works which will be conducted in the future. 
The following people delivered lectures accordingly: professor of Ufa State Oil Technical University Tatyana Porosochkina “New polymer compounds for petrochemistry”, doctor of sciences on chemistry of Polymer Materials Institute of ANAS KazimGuliyev “Synthesis, polymerizationand application of functionalizedmonomers”, dean of faculty of Chemistry and biology docent Mahal Muradov “Comparative methylation of phenol and aniline in the presence of catalyst”.
Representatives of Kazan Federal University Olga Medvedeva and Marsel Shgapov participated at the conference, too. 
Section meetings will go on in Sumgayit State University and Polymer Materials Institute for 2 days. 176 theses were accepted at the conference and conference materials were published.

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