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Home | News | Management and staff of the university visited the affected students of the Sumgait hospital
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 09 March 2017 14:42
Management and staff of the university visited the affected students of the Sumgait hospital

The rector of university Mr. Elkhan Huseynov, the representatives of Executive Power and Health Division of Sumgait, head of Supervisory Board of  “Azerkimya” Industrial Union and the parliamentarian of National Assembly Mr. Mukhtar Babayeb has visited the students in the Emergency Medical Aid Hospital. The injured students Babayev Orkhan Khaqani, Mirzayeva Mina, Gocayev Nijat Faig, Asgarli  Ogtay Etibar, Farzaliyeva Khaver Malik, Tagiyev Samair Mahad, Jabiyev Afsar Ali, Manafov Beybala Vugar, Karimova Terane Shair, Hasanov  Elgiz Server, Mammadov Mammad Shahin, Guluzade  Aytan Altay, Baxishova  Ilahe Azer, Murselzade Aydan Zahir are under the control of a special group of doctors invited from Baku. Two of those students were wounded seriously.  
We wish them health and recovery and their joining to their families soon. It should be noted that some injured students have been sent to Baku Clinic Hospital № 1 and some vice-rectors of the university visited them accordingly.  

Press Service

Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-018-64-2-15-06