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5 reasons to choose SSU
1: A university located in the heart of industry
SSU is the only higher education institution in the industrial center of our country, Sumgait, with a population of 500,000. This creates ample opportunities for SSU students to acquire industrial experience from the first courses. Consolidation of theoretical knowledge with production experience forms the basis of rapid career development.
With this, our graduates are one step closer to job opportunities in ‘Sumgait Technology Park’ LLC, ‘Azerikimya’ Production Union, ‘SOCAR Polymer’ LLC, ‘SOCAR Carbamide’ LLC, ‘Azertechnoline’ LLC, ‘Gilan Textile Park’ LLC, ‘ALCO’ LLC, ‘Azersun Holding’ LLC, ‘Technoil’ LLC, ‘Azerishiq’ OJSC, ‘AzerEnergy’ OJSC.
2: Modern approaches in pedagogical specialties
In our university, personnel training is multi-profile, and personnel training in pedagogical specialties is one of the directions with great weight. Thus, approximately 30% of the university's 6,200 students are studying in pedagogical specialties.
Starting from the 2024/25 academic year, it is planned to integrate the requirements for pedagogical staff training in the entire teaching process in recent years at SSU. Today, teaching staff, in addition to knowing their subject, should be able to properly convey that subject to students using numerous pedagogical and methodical approaches. In this regard, teachers of the future should acquire pedagogical and psychological competencies along with the application of legal literacy and subject curricula. Types of measurement and assessment (diagnostic, formative, summative), international assessments (PISA, TIMMS, PIRLS, TALIS, etc.), differential learning, interactive lesson features, content standards, learning models (project-based, game-based, research-based learning and etc.), learning strategies and techniques, organization of an effective learning environment, online teaching, classroom management mechanisms, effective teacher-student and teacher-parent relationship regulation should have knowledge and skills. At the same time, it is envisaged that students studying in pedagogical specialties will be involved in pedagogical experience from the lower courses.
It will now be possible to receive pedagogical education that meets these modern challenges at SSU. Taking into account the demand in the labor market, the teaching of chemistry and mathematics teaching specialties in English will be started in our university from the 2024/25 academic year. Taking into account the modern trends in teacher training, students' preparation for additional TRC (Teacher Recruitment Competition) will be taken into account in the teaching process.
3: SABAH graduate programs with new content
From the next academic year, Sumgait State University will join the ranks of higher education institutions that will provide master's education in various specialties within the SABAH groups across the country. Our university is in the new academic year for master's degree preparation of the SABAH groups project launched by the Ministry of Science and Education from 2021.
It begins with admission to the ‘Cyber Security’, ‘Computer Engineering and ‘Data Analytics’ specialties.
Within the framework of SABAH master's programs, it is planned to develop new content programs in accordance with the requirements of the labor market, build high-potential computer laboratories, involve experts from the business world in teaching, as well as provide internships for the master's students in partner industrial enterprises and base their scientific work on research topics from the business world.
A wide range of extracurricular activities will be held for graduate students. In these activities, preparation for international certification exams, seminars and trainings related to modern trends with the participation of foreign experts, participation in innovative projects and start-up competitions are planned.
In order to make the program more accessible, the time of the lessons will be determined between the teacher and the students.
It is also possible to hold classes after 7.00 p.m. on weekdays or on Saturdays.
We are sure that those who choose SSU to study at the master's level in the specialties we offer will not be mistaken in their choice.
4: Support for successful career planning
Choosing SSU is your first step towards a successful career. Here, students will be involved in contact with partner enterprises and companies working with advanced technologies by studying at a higher education institution that supports scientific research activities and innovation, and will have the opportunity to practice in schools, high schools and gymnasiums.
In order to support successful career planning, the Career and Alumni Center organizes trainings for SSU students and graduates in various fields in the process of successful career planning, holds meetings with experts on researching job opportunities, and helps graduates with their future careers and employment.
Currently, Sumgait State University cooperates with many companies and industrial enterprises. These are ‘BP’, ‘SOCAR DOWNSTREAM’, ‘SOCAR AZERIKIMYA’ PU, ‘SOCAR URBAMID’, ‘SOCAR POLYMER’, ‘SOCAR Uniper’, ‘AZERTECHNOLINE’ LLC, ‘NORM’ JSC, ‘STP’ LLC, ‘GILTEX’ LLC , ‘HOLCIM’ OJSC, ‘KAPITAL BANK’ OJSC, ‘ALCO’ LLC, ‘TECHNOIL’ LLC, ‘Sumgait High Voltage Electric Network’, ‘Azersun Holding’ LLC, ‘Azerishig’ OJSC, ‘Azerenergy’ OJSC, ‘Azmade’ Group MMC, ‘ASAN’ service, ‘Nobel energy’, ‘CodeAcademy’, ‘CELT Colleges’ and other enterprises. Here, our students get to know the activities of the companies by having a production experience, which supports the students to start working in accordance with their competencies and qualifications in the year they graduate. Our students have the opportunity to have production experience in the Republic of Turkey with the organization of our partner companies.
Stimulating the career development and activities of students, creating mechanisms in accordance with modern requirements, and organizing career-oriented trainings for the purpose of studying and applying modern international experience in the field of building their own careers of young personnel are the main directions of the center's activities.
The services offered by the center are:
- Organizing career fairs for young people every year;
- Conducting trainings on preparation of CV and motivation letter;
- Arrangement of meetings with people with success stories;
- Provision of consulting services and preparation of projects in various fields;
- Establishment of a continuous communication system with graduates
5: The campus is spacious and surrounded by greenery
Sumgait State University is a green educational complex with appropriate material and technical base and infrastructure. The university has a campus with 3 educational buildings and 2 dormitories houses, the faculties of Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Engineering, Economics and Management, History and Geography, and Philology.
The university campus with an area of more than 20 hectares has become a place where students spend their free time meaningfully with its enviable level of comfort. Covered with thousands of evergreen and fruit trees, various types of flowers and bushes, the campus is developing with the daily care of our employees.
Mini football, volleyball and basketball stadiums, a five-lane Olympic running field, a chess floor and table tennis tables are installed in the yard of the university.
In addition, there are facilities for outdoor classes and discussions, and an open-air engineering museum. All conditions have been created for students from the regions of our country and abroad in the newly renovated five-story ‘Student House’ with 250 seats.
It is no coincidence that SSU was included in the global rating table by the international ‘Greenmetric’ organization. ‘Greenmetric’ is an international organization that determines the rankings of universities in the world according to campus and sustainable environment criteria. ‘Greenmetric’ methodology evaluates the work and results of universities related to sustainable development goals.


Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-18 642-16-20