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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 01 November 2023 16:08
An infosession was held about ‘What is SYO?’ at SSU
"What is TGT?" infosession organized by the Union of Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations (ATGTI) at Sumgayit State University on November 1. within the framework of the project, an information event was held for first-year students.
First, the dear memory of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the freedom and territorial integrity of our Motherland was commemorated with a minute of silence.
Associate Professor Elmar Khalilov, vice-rector for social issues and public relations, greeted the event participants on behalf of Rector Rufat Azizov. He spoke about the role of our state"s youth policy in shaping the youth of Azerbaijan as a modern, developed, highly intelligent leading force. He said that the development of education in our country, increasing the interest of young people in education and improving the social condition of students has always been in the attention of our state. Today, there are numerous youth organizations operating in the country. Among the goals set by those organizations, supporting the participation of the young generation in public life occupies an important place. Thanks to those organizations, the potential of young people is revealed and they are ensured to lead a more active social life. In this regard, the Student Youth Organization of Sumgayit State University takes important steps in the direction of increasing the activity of students in public life.
Rüfat Rustamov, UASYO"s manager for work with member organizations, explained the activities of UASYO within the framework of programs and other activities, camps, forums, seminars, etc. and talked about his interesting projects. He said that the main purpose of the event is to explain the role of UASYO and SYO in the personal development of young people who have just started their student life and to involve young people in the activities of SYO. At the same time, the main mission of the union is to organize the life of the youth outside of education, as well as to stimulate the role of the youth in the implementation of the youth policy, which is an important and integral part of the state policy.
Then the chairman of the Student Youth Organization of SSU, Ravan Pashayev, made a speech with videos reflecting the activities of the union and the organization. He spoke about the clubs operating within the SYO team of the university, their goals and tasks. He stated that SYO implements measures for students-young people to participate more actively in the social life of the university and the country, to prepare them for work, to strengthen ideological work with students, and to arouse great enthusiasm for science in them.
Agil Guliyev, UASYO"s club manager, gave detailed information about the activities of the organization"s clubs.
In the end, students" questions were answered.
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