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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 28 October 2023 14:12
A chess competition dedicated to Victory Day was held at SSU
On October 28, at Sumgayit State University, a chess competition dedicated to the Victory Day was held between the employees of SSU and Sumgayit State Technical College operating under it.
At the event, the dear memory of our martyrs who fought heroically in the Patriotic War and sacrificed their lives for the territorial integrity of our country was commemorated with a minute of silence.
Associate Professor Elmar Khalilov, vice-rector for social affairs and public relations of the university, who opened the event with an opening speech, greeted the participants and congratulated our people on the Victory Day written with golden letters in the history of Azerbaijan. He said that in accordance with the Event Plan, various contests and competitions are being held in the university in connection with the Great Victory. Talking about the history of the Glorious Victory, the Vice-Chancellor also said that under the wise leadership of the President of Azerbaijan Muzaffar Commander-in-Chief Mr. Ilham Aliyev, our valiant Army showed unprecedented heroism in history and freed our lands that had been under enemy occupation for nearly 30 years in just 44 days. The territorial integrity of our country was restored thanks to the indomitable will and heroism of our martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the cause of the Motherland. At the end of his speech, Elmar Khalilov wished success to all participants and declared the event open. Then the race started.
8 teams participated in the competition, which took place in tense and interesting conditions.
As a result, the team of the Faculty of Philology was awarded the 1st place, the team of the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology was awarded the 2nd place, and the team of the Faculty of Mathematics was awarded the 3rd place.
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