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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 10 March 2023 16:49
The next meeting of the rectorate was held at SSU
On March 10, the rectorate's meeting was held at Sumgayit State University. Declaring the meeting open rector professor Elkhan Huseynov first greeted the participants and informed about the issues on the agenda.
Noting the dynamic development of the university's teaching and scientific activities, the rector opened a conversation about the issues on the agenda, especially the colloquiums to be held on the eve of the spring semester exams and their results can play not only in the lives of students, but in the perspective planning of teaching in the university in general. For this purpose, the rector expressed his hope that the preparation for the next colloquiums, which will be held in accordance with the academic calendar, will be carried out at a high level and gave his recommendations and tasks in this regard.
Later, rector Elkhan Huseynov spoke about one of the other issues on the agenda, reminded the Order signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev on December 6, 2022 the approval of the "Action Plan for the declaration of the Shusha city as the "Cultural Capital of the Turkic World" for 2023". At the special meeting of the Permanent Council of Ministers of Culture of the member countries of the International Organization of Turkish Culture (TURKSOY) Elkhan Huseynov said the declaration of Shusha - the cultural capital of Azerbaijan, as the "cultural capital of the Turkish world" for 2023 is as an example of respect for Azerbaijani culture. He considered it is necessary to promote this fact among the teachers and students of the university. Speaking about the next issue on the agenda, preparation for Nowruz holiday, the rector noted the importance of conveying the philosophy of the holiday to the students.
Faig Shirinov - director of the Teaching Methodological Center made a report on "preparation for the colloquiums to be held in the spring semester of the 2022/2023 academic year," reminded that colloquiums determines not only the level of knowledge of students, but also the level of the educational situation. He noted that serious preparations are underway for holding colloquiums in the educational life of the university, this matter is under strict control by the rectorate. Related to this appropriate work is being done in the faculties. The director of the center stated that the first colloquiums will be held on March 14, and said that all preparatory work has been completed.
Other issues brought to the rectorate's meeting - "On the approval of the Action Plan for the declaration of the Shusha city as the "Cultural capital of the Turkish World" for 2023" and "Preparation for the Nowruz holiday". Vice rector for Social affairs and public relations docent Elmar Khalilov stated that a plan of relevant events was prepared at the university regarding the declaration of the city of Shusha as the cultural capital of the Turkic world. Within this framework, scientific conferences, round tables and seminars will be organized at different times of the year. He emphasized that the event dedicated to the scientific and political work of Ahmed Bey Agaoglu - a socio-political figure and the founder of liberal Kemalism on the topic "Ahmed Bey Agaoglu and the Turkic world" will be held. In addition to these, the vice-rector said that a "Best Presentation" competition will be organized on the topic "Karabakh and Shusha in medieval sources and modern researches" among university students. He noted that the event "Shusha is the cultural capital of the Turkish world" will be held with the participation of scientific and cultural figures, well-known intellectuals in the "Young political scientists club".
In addition, it was emphasized in the report that a group of students, graduate students and teachers of the university will organize excursions to the Shusha city in order to study the ancient historical monuments of Shusha.
After the discussions, appropriate decisions were made and the rectorate's meeting finished its work.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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