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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 11 May 2022 16:26
An event entitled "Shusha is the crown of Karabakh, the beginning of our victory" was held at SSU
An event entitled "Shusha  is the crown of Karabakh, the beginning of our victory" was organized by the faculty of Economics and Management of Sumgayit State University on May 11.
First, the participants listened to the song " Everywhere is beautiful" performed by the winner of the Mugam competition, singer Gulzar Farajova in the lobby of the Assembly Hall, viewed an exhibition of national cuisine, paintings and crafts glorifying Shusha.
The official part of the event with the participation of teachers and students began with the sounding of the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Then the memory of our martyrs who died for the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan was commemorated with a minute of silence.
Opening the event, dean of the faculty of Economics and Management, associate professor Aynura Yahyayeva greeted the participants, spoke about the history and culture of Shusha, noting that national leader Heydar Aliyev paid great attention and care to Karabakh in 1969-1982 under the leadership of Azerbaijan. First of all, the Great Leader, who knew the history, culture and economic development of Karabakh perfectly, was very sensitive to this issue. President Ilham Aliyev, who successfully continues Heydar Aliyev"s political course  has declared 2022 the "Year of Shusha" as a symbol of our victory. Shusha is experiencing the second anniversary of its independence as our cultural capital. We thank the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, our Army, for giving us this pride.
After the opening speech of associate professor Aynura Yahyayeva, second-year student of the faculty Fatima Muradzadeh gave detailed information about the history of Shusha, and Flora Hamidzadeh read the "Shusha Declaration".
Then  a video called "Shusha, you are free!" was demonstrated.
Elnara Mammadova, senior lecturer of the department of Economics made a presentation on "The economic potential of Shusha." She said that Shusha has enough economic potential. Tourism has a special place in the economy of Shusha. The new economic value to be created in the liberated territories will  exceed the financial costs of the Azerbaijani state. The restoration of these areas will create many new  working places. Thus, the implementation of new infrastructure projects will have a positive impact on the employment of our citizens, the development of the economy will create the basis for the creation of new working places. The victory of our victorious army will give impetus to the growth of the non-oil sector and the further prosperity of the Azerbaijani economy.
Poems dedicated to Shusha were performed by first-year students.
Guest singers Gulzar Farajova, Chinara Malikzade and Nurlan Ordubadli sang songs about Azerbaijan.
Then the students performed  the conversation of Khan gizi Khurshidbanu Natavan, Molla Panah Vagif and Panahali khan about Shusha. 
In conclusion, the rector of the university, professor Elkhan Huseynov spoke about a series of events, exhibitions and competitions organized at the university in connection with the "Year of Shusha". He noted that the city of Shusha  founded in 1752 by Karabakh khan Panahali khan and celebrating its 270th anniversary this year has undergone a rich development and played an exceptional role in the cultural, socio-political life of Azerbaijan and the entire South Caucasus. President Ilham Aliyev"s announcement of 2022 as the "Year of Shusha" dedicated to the ancient city and cultural capital of Azerbaijan is a  progressive step.
In conclusion, the rector thanked everyone who contributed to the organization of the event, emphasizing the importance of such events in instilling feelings of love and patriotism in the younger generation.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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