Qarabağ Azərbaycandır!
The VII Congress of the New Azerbaijan Party, the largest political party not only in Azerbaijan, but also in the South Caucasus, held on March 5, was met with great enthusiasm among all sections of our people. Because this party is a native party of the Azerbaijani people, actively participates in the socio-political processes in our country on the basis of the most democratic principles and traditions, takes decisive steps for the independence of our state, is known for its high prestige and activity in the international arena.
The introductory and closing speech of our President Ilham Aliyev at the congress once again confirmed these views. Mr. President, paying special attention to the most important events that took place in the country over the past three years between the VI and VII Congresses of the party, noted that the Azerbaijani army liberated our lands from Armenian occupation with great courage, united our people in this 44-day war. The words of the President "We have fulfilled this historic mission" demonstrate the triumph of the national unity of our people, the greatness and power of the great victory. In his introductory speech, Mr. President highlighted several issues: a) Azerbaijan is a country that creates new realities; b) the political course of the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev and his statehood traditions have a great role and importance in the emergence of these realities; c) the treacherous position of the AXC-Musavat duo, which at that time pursued only its own interests, put the people and the state in a desperate situation; d) As a result of successful domestic and foreign policies pursued over the past 17 years, Azerbaijan has managed to break out of international isolation; e) The Karabakh issue as a national issue will always be at the center of state policy.
As a member of the New Azerbaijan Party and an intellectual, I can say with confidence that these fateful issues identified by our President make me think deeply and I support Mr. Ilham Aliyev with all my being.
In his closing speech, the President described the congress as an important event in the life of our republic. Emphasizing the care shown to the families of the martyrs of the First and Second Karabakh Wars and the provision of our veterans with the necessary medical equipment, Mr. Aliyev said: "Representatives of the New Azerbaijan Party must always care and pay attention to this category of people."
Speaking about the problems related to the "Great Return" program, President Ilham Aliyev noted that YAP members and activists should be in the forefront in this direction. Mr. President spoke about the important role of universities in the education of the younger generation. He noted that the young generation should be brought up in such a way that the independence of our country takes precedence over everything, and young people enter the future life as patriots and highly intelligent. Undoubtedly, the employees of SSU, including me as a teacher, have very responsible responsibilities. It is our sacred duty to carry out these tasks without turning back.
This year marks the 30th anniversary of our independence. We celebrate this great holiday with great pride. All the peoples living in Azerbaijan have united as a fist to protect our national independence and liberate our lands from Armenian aggressors, upholding multicultural traditions. This fist has created a new reality in the region through "strength, will and unity." I would like to express the impression of this reality, Mr. Ilham Aliyev"s speech at the congress, in the following verses:
                 This is the fist of victory, the fist of truth,
                 An earthquake will shake Yerevan.
                 This fist is Savalan, Goshgar, Murov, Agri,
                 This will lead the people to many victories.
Avtandil Mammadov,
Sumgayit State University,
Head of the Department of Azerbaijani and Foreign Countries’ Literature,
Doctor of philological sciences, professor
Translation: Linguistic Center
Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-18 642-16-20