Qarabağ Azərbaycandır!
After the return of national leader Heydar Aliyev to power at the insistence of the people, the gradual strengthening of the position of independent Azerbaijan in the international arena caused the jealousy of some forces seeking to seize power. After the signing of the "Contract of the Century" in September 1994, our country"s prestige in the world increased even more. This agreement, which is of vital importance for Azerbaijan, has played an exceptional role both in establishing stability within the republic and in achieving success in foreign policy.
Although the forces that did not see this development attempted a coup d"etat in October of that year, at the last moment they surrendered to the determination of national leader Heydar Aliyev. These treacherous forces were lying in wait, waiting for a new moment. Brothers Mahir and Rovshan Javadov, who led them, especially the Special Police Unit, which was active in this anti-government campaign, resumed their ugly intentions in March 1995. This time the plan had changed. SPU members began their treacherous actions in the regions.
On the night of March 12-13, 1995, 200-300 armed men, mostly in masks, attacked the Gazakh District Police Department with 2 BMPs and 2 tanks, capturing the duty unit, seized 217 submachine guns, 217 pistols, 18 grenades and other military equipment belonging to the department, and occupied the post office, police station and the administrative building of the district executive power. On the same day, in the early hours of the morning, about 100 armed employees of the SPU, unknown individuals attacked the Aghstafa District Police Department with the help of armored vehicles. 35 submachine guns, 52 pistols, 2 grenades, 1 machine gun, other ammunition, 6 million manat to be given to the staff, service GAZ-24 car were taken away, service UAZ car was rendered useless, police office building was destroyed, 14 detainees detained in the pre-trial detention center were released.
The events of March 13-14, 1995 once again confirmed that the Special Police Unit, leaving aside their responsibilities, entered into criminal relations with mafia groups and criminal gangs and committed a number of serious crimes. However, the main task set when creating the Special Police Unit was to prevent the Armenian separatist movement in the republic, the aggression of our lands and people. Unfortunately, the treacherous members of the well-armed and well-trained SPU, which was created to fight against foreign-backed enemies, fired their weapons at their own people, the government that has established strict discipline and order in the country. Their main goal was to overthrow the government illegally, by force of arms.
On the night of March 16-17, 1995, in the skirmish near the OMON headquarters in Baku, fighters fighting shoulder to shoulder with the Armenian aggressors in the frontline came face to face. Undoubtedly, this was a tragic situation for Azerbaijan. At a time when our lands were occupied, a group of greedy officials in the capital attacked our statehood in order to seize power. As a result of the attempts of the Javadov brothers to seize power in an unconstitutional way, the greed for power, brotherly blood was shed in our country.
Although the committed state crimes hit Azerbaijan and shed blood, it once again tested the statehood of independent Azerbaijan. All this demonstrated the wisdom, national solidarity, trust, respect and esteem of the people, the strength of the democratic foundations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the inadmissibility of activities outside the constitution and laws.
After the resolute prevention of the events of March 1995, it was once again declared to the people that by bringing to power a genius like the national leader Heydar Aliyev, saved both its future and our country. Heydar Aliyev"s wisdom, far-sighted policy and determination prevented the attack on our independence and statehood. Heydar Aliyev"s resolute prevention of coups increased the confidence and hope of our people for tomorrow and the future. National leader Heydar Aliyev ensured the strengthening of Azerbaijan"s independence and people"s unity by preventing coup attempts organized in March 1995.
Associate Professor of Sumgayit State University, Doctor of Philosophy in History,
Deputy Chairman of the YAP Sumgayit city organization Elmar Khalilov
Translation: Linguistic Center
Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-18 642-16-20