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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 29 October 2018 14:44
SSU Holds the Event “The Role of Civil Society in Advancement of Modern Azerbaijan”
On October 29, the event dedicated to subject “The role of civil society in advancement of modern Azerbaijan” within the project of “Rendering services to NGOs in the sphere of institutional development” was held at Sumgayit State University, financed by National Non-Governmental Organizations Forum (NNF) of Azerbaijan and Board of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under President of Azerbaijan Republic.
Head of NNF Rauf Zeyni, deputy head of Sumgayit city department of Azerbaijan Patriotic War Veterans Public Unity Zakariyya Rahimov, member of Azerbaijani Journalists Unity Akif Hasanov, head of Public Control Center of NNF Ibrahim Ibrahimov took part in the event.
Vice-rector on Humanitarian Issues docent Ramiz Huseynov commenced the event, hailed the guests and spoke about significance of the meeting. He noted: “Civil society is improving rapidly in Azerbaijan, fundamental human rights and liberty of everyone are ensured. NGO-state collaboration is in a high level in recent years. The approval of “State Support Conception to non-governmental organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan” with the order of President Ilham Aliyev and institution of Board of State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations under President of Azerbaijan Republic stimulate improvement of civil society in our country”. The vice-rector notified that the Board successfully implements its missions, assists the solution of society’s actual problems by supporting innovative NGO proposals.
Head of NNF Rauf Zeyni spoke in the event about history and importance of civil society. He pointed out that enlargement of National Non-Governmental Organizations movement, building their activity in accordance with leading international practice and current legislation, providing mutual beneficial cooperation of NGOs with state organs, media and private sector play a significant role in implementation of several programs and projects, which are carried out for advancement of civil society and solution of their problems, enlightenment of population and formulation of public opinion about national issues.
“The projects carried out with initiative of Heydar Aliyev Foundation and personally first Vice-president Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva for introduction of Azerbaijani culture in the globe, evaluation of Khojali genocide impartially and disclosure of occupation against our country by Armenians, were always the samples for NGO sector and the Board. In this regard, several events are held for giving public support to policy carried out by our country in these spheres”, the chairman noted. Rauf Zeyni notified that we should proceed with enlightenment movements as a citizen and civil society.
At the end of the event NGO representatives responded the questions of the students.
Translation: Linguistic Center


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