Qarabağ Azərbaycandır!
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 02 May 2018 17:17

On May 2, international scientific conference was held in SSU on “Economic security: current situation and perspectives”. Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship Academician Ziyad Samadzade, deputy and a member of Committee for Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship Vahid Ahmadov, rector of Baku Business University Professor Ibad Abbasov, chairman of Board of Directors of Center for Economic and Social Development docent Vugar Bayramov, head of Scientific section of UNEC, doctor of economic sciences, Professor Zahid Mammadov, as well as economist scientists from universities of Russia, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries participated the conference.
Rector Professor Elkhan Huseynov opening the conference greeted the guests, expressed his satisfaction to see them in the university and gave information about history of the university, its activity spheres, implemented programs and projects. He noted that 100th anniversary of Azerbaijan Democratic Republic is celebrated in Azerbaijan and Turkic world in state and international levels. By declaring its independence ADR demonstrated the nation’s perseverance in independence. 
In his speech, rector analyzed and emphasized the essence of economic reforms and their targets, especially agrarian reforms, giving lands to peasants, creation of equal conditions for all forms of property, financial and tax policy, release of the national currency, establishment of state bank, formation of the state budget, reconstruction of the damaged infrastructure, development of industry and building foreign trade relations. He noted that a leader of modern Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev’s management ability and hard work paved the way for sustainable and dynamic development of economy in the country. In formation of Azerbaijan’s national economy Heydar Aliyev’s services are unprecedented. Contract of the Century signed on September 20, 1994 was a long term oil contract. Contract signed on September 14, 2017 about joint development of Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli oil fields till 2050 and production share distribution, was changed and was prepared again. President Ilham Aliyev’s policy shows that we have completed transition period in the economic sphere. Azerbaijan is known for its specific national development model and now is in its new stage of quality. 
At the end of his speech, rector notified that the aim of the conference which will continue two days is to gather local and foreign experts, scientists and public figures, hold discussions around the topic, share innovative ideas and prepare recommendations. 
Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship Academician Ziyad Samadzade made a speech on “Economic security: modern problems and challenges” and noted that in modern globalizing world it is necessary to highlight the economic security problem of countries. “Economic security is a component of national security”.
Deputy and a member of Committee for Economic Policy, Industry and Entrepreneurship Vahid Ahmadov delivering speech emphasized that the conference is dedicated to an important and actual issue. A state’s economic security is such a production arrangement system that provides functioning financial, productive, labor and intellectual potentials. Nowadays, Azerbaijan is economically powerful state in the Caucasus. 
Rector of Baku Business University Professor Ibad Abbasov noted that in 1969 when Heydar Aliyev was in political power he achieved the development of agrarian field. He drew attention great leader’s policy to be carried out by President Ilham Aliyev now. Azerbaijan is a transition area connecting the East and the West. 
Partcipants of the conference delivered speeches: head of Scientific section of UNEC, doctor of economic sciences, Professor Zahid Mammadov; head of economy and finance department of International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Kh.A.Yassawi Borash Mirzaliyev – “Продовольственная безопасность как составная часть экономической безопасности государства”; deputy director of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, candidate of economic sciences Pilyutik Andrey – “Обеспечение экономической безопасности республики Беларусь”; Board of Directors chairman of Center for Economic and Social Development docent Vugar Bayramov – “Economic security of Azerbaijan: concept, structure and comparative assessment”; head of Business administration and management department docent Galib Huseynov – “Energy security as a term of sustainable economic development”. Spokesmen noted that economic security is connected to a state’s economic-social development.
At the end of the plenary session of the conference an agreement of cooperation was signed on education and scientific research between Tashkent Financial Institute of Uzbekistan Republic and Sumgayit State University. 
The conference continued its work in sessions. 195 theses were received for the conference and published as a collection. 


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