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Home | News | The next seminar on “Heydar Aliyev is a founder of Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis” in SSU
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 26 December 2017 15:28
The next seminar on “Heydar Aliyev is a founder of Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis” in SSU

On December 26, the training was held on “Heydar Aliyev is a founder of Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis” in Heydar Aliyev School. Professor Elkhan Huseynov, rector of SSU commenced the meeting with opening speech and notified that, 31st of December is a starting point of national solidarity. Azerbaijani people witnessed hard times through the history. Period of annexing the north part of historical Azerbaijani territories by Russia was also one of those times. Many citizens of Azerbaijan became refugees. It was necessary to create and strengthen unity and solidarity among Azerbaijani people who live far from the homeland. That’s why Heydar Aliyev paid attention on connecting with Azerbaijanis over the world.
Rector also noted that on December 16 in 1991 in the session of Ali Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic the decision “About 31st of December – Solidarity and Unity Day of World Azerbaijanis” was made with the leadership of Heydar Aliyev. He emphasized that, holding Solidarity Day like a holiday in several foreign countries in which Azerbaijanis live is the result of policy of President Ilham Aliyev. About 50 million Azerbaijanis celebrate this holiday in different countries. 
The following people made speeches accordingly: Shirkhan Salimov, Professor of the department of Azerbaijani and Eastern European nations’ history – “Heydar Aliyev is a founder of Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis”; Professor Aftandil Mammadov, head of the department of Azerbaijani and foreign countries literature – “Cultural relations with diaspora organizations as a priority area of State policy of Azerbaijan”; Bahram Mammadli, associate professor of the department of Azerbaijani and foreign countries literature –“Ilham Aliyev is successor of the policy of solidarity of World Azerbaijanis”; Qamar Mahmudova, II course student of the Faculty of Philology – “The role of literature and press in strengthening solidarity of World Azerbaijanis”; Leyla Huseynova, IV course student of the Faculty of Mathematics – “Azerbaijan Republic is a motherland of all Azerbaijanis”. They notified that, Great leader Heydar Aliyev had commendable services in gaining national solidarity and forming Azerbaijani diaspora in the world. The speakers emphasized that, regardless of in which country one lives, everybody whose heart is beating with Azerbaijan should demonstrate his solidarity.   

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