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Home | News | “Safavi” Team of our University gained a Victory
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 22 December 2017 10:54
“Safavi” Team of our University gained a Victory

According to State Program “Azerbaijani youth in 2017-2021”, “Khamsa Cup” knowledge contest of the city students was held in HeydarAliyev Center, organized by Sumgayit Head Office of Youth and Sports, on December 20.
12 teams consisting of students participated in the competition run by the management of referees of Sumgayit Intellectual Club functioning within Head Office. Every team consisted of 6 students and 72 young people struggled for victory. 
The contest commenced with sounding Azerbaijan State anthem. MubarizBashirov, substitute chief of Head Office of Youth and Sports started the competition and greeted the participants. He spoke about youth policy founded by Great leader HeydarAliyev and his care and attention to young generation. 
It was noted that, the purpose of the contest is to fulfill the tasks arising from State Program “Azerbaijani youth in 2017-2021”, to expand intellectual level and outlook of youth, to stimulate their mental growth. He noted that, favorable conditions have been created for thorough improvement of young people in Sumgayit. 
“Safavi” team of Sumgayit State University was awarded first place in this knowledge contest. “Mubariz” team of Sumgayit “ASAN service” awarded second place, the team of Sumgayit city branch of Red Crescent Society awarded third place.
Winners were awarded with the cup of Head Office, certificates, medals and presents. 

Press Service

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