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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 24 November 2017 16:59
Artistic Creativity Competition Was Held Among Students

Ramiz Huseynov: “The main aim is to discover talented youth”
Azerbaijani music’s history goes back to ancient times. Being national wealth of Azerbaijan, mugam is also world music treasure. In recent years, great work is done for protection of mugam, its development and promotion with direct participation of the First Vice-president of Azerbaijan, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva. Heydar Aliyev Foundation plays important role in strengthening the dialogue between civilizations and contributes to spread of humanist values, peace and tolerance. International Mugam Festival is held with the initiative of Goodwill Ambassador of UNESCO and ISESCO Mehriban Aliyeva and it is one of the events that make our culture and music well-known in the world.
On November 17, the final stage of artistic creativity competition on 55th anniversary of Sumgayit State University was held.
Opening the event Vice-rector for Humanitarian Issues Ramiz Huseynov noted that our university is on the eve of celebrating the 55th anniversary. He added that the competition is dedicated to jubilee. The main aim is to heighten students’ artistic-aesthetic taste, improve their skills and discover talented youth.
Vice-rector thanked to all people who participated in the event, especially the jury for their work in competition and wished students success. During the contest, students from all faculties demonstrated their talents and skills through various dances, artistic recitations and music performances. Final decisions were made by the jury from the university which comprised of the chairman of the Trade Union docent Elmar Khalilov, Chairman of Student Trade Union Committee Nemat Ibayev, the head of the club Khalida Guliyeva, the art director of the club Zaur Safarov, senior lecturers of the Department of Literature of Azerbaijan and foreign countries Afag Ganiyeva and Mahir Alizade. After the performances they gave advice to students. 
In the competition held on different nominations Faculty of Physics and Electroenergetics was awarded the first place, Faculty of Economy and Management the second place, Faculty of History and Geography was awarded the third place according to the decision made by jury. The winners were awarded with diplomas and money award.

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