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Home | News | A Series of Lectures of Professor of Ufa State Oil Technical University were Listened Dedicated to Modern Problems of Chemistry in SSU
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 17 November 2017 16:25
A Series of Lectures of Professor of Ufa State Oil Technical University were Listened Dedicated to Modern Problems of Chemistry in SSU

Educational reforms in Azerbaijan play significant role in improvement of education quality. Enlargement of international cooperation of educational institutions is the demand of modern world. Universities from different regions have important achievements in conducting scientific-research work, organization of teaching process and preparation of cadres. Learning these achievements and applying them is very useful to all sides.
On November 14, rector of Sumgayit State University Professor Elkhan Huseynov received Professor Tatyana Prosochkina head of department of Petrochemistry and chemical technologies of Technology faculty in Ufa State Oil Technical University and a group of bachelor and master students. He expressed his satisfaction for their visit to our university in the eve of jubilee. The rector emphasized that, Azerbaijan is a multicultural and tolerant country with different religions and cultures in its areas and widely spoke about sincere relations among two countries, the history of the university, as well its activity and international cooperation. Sumgayit State University collaborates with several prestigious higher educational institutions in the world, conducts projects in exchange of students and teachers, as well as jointly realizes scientific-research work. These activities contribute to the improvement of relations. He noted that, the relations between two countries will continue successfully.
Afterwards, Professor Tatyana Prosochkina delivered speech and pointed out her gratitude on being at Sumgayit State University, one of the prestigious universities of Azerbaijan. The professor gave wide information about Ufa State Oil Technical University and notified that, the university cooperates with several foreign educational institutions, including SSU. Noting the significance of teacher and student interchange, Mrs. Tatyana emphasized importance of future relations. She expressed her gratitude to Professor Elkhan Huseynov for awarding academician Ramil Nazifovich Bakhtizin – rector of Ufa State Oil Technical University, Russian co – chair of Association of Russian-Azerbaijan Universities with scientific title “Honorary doctor” of Sumgayit State University. She noted that, collaboration agreement signed between two universities contributes to the development of international relations of our universities.
The present status and future perspectives of collaborations between Azerbaijan and Russia in the field of education and other teaching issues were discussed in the meeting.
Professor of Ufa State Oil Technical University Tatyana Porosochkina met with the dean of Chemistry and biology faculty Mahal Muradov, as well as teaching and student staff. She delivered the lectures on “Basic development directions of modern catalytic science”, “Petrochemistry and theoretical bases of oil refinery” and “Scientific directions of department of petrochemistry and chemistry technologies of USOTU”. Professor responded questions of the students.
Tatyana Porosochkina made report on “New polymer compounds for petrochemistry” in plenary session of international scientific conference on “Functional monomers and polymer materials with specific properties: problems, perspectives and practical views” which was held on November 15. She was awarded with certificate by university administration for participating at the conference and delivering lectures to students about modern problems of chemistry. 

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