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Home | News | The students injured in the car accident are under the permanent attention of the administration
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 11 March 2017 15:00
The students injured in the car accident are under the permanent attention of the administration

The administration of the university, deans of faculties and students of the university are regularly visiting the injured students in the Emergency Medical Aid Hospital and Clinic Medical Center №1 in Baku in order to interest their health and spirit. The deans visited the Emergency Medical Aid Hospital today, too and they met the injured students one by one and interested in their health state and thereby they wished them recovery and their joining to families soon. 
It should be noted that all important measures are done for their treatment. Currently, 5 students are treated in the Emergency Medical Aid Hospital which is Oqtay Asgarli, Aytan Guluzade, Ilahe Bakhishova, Aydan Murselzade, Efser Cabiyev and 2 students are treated in the Clinic Medical Center № 1 in Baku which is Rasul Sadigov and Emin Hamidov. They are under the permanent control of the doctors.         

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