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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 19 January 2017 14:11
Sumgait State University has memorized the January 20th

SSU is realizing some several events due to the Order, concluded by the head of Presidential Office of Azerbaijan Republic about “the realization of the 27th anniversary of 20th January tragedy”. 
In this respect, in January 19th, SSU has held a Memorial Day in connection with the 27th anniversary of 20th January tragedy. Above all, the attendees of the event took part of the exhibition on books about 20th January tragedy, which has been arranged in the foyer of the university. Afterwards, academic personnel of the university and the students put the flowers to memorial, devoted the martyrs, which were the graduators of the university and sacrificed their life for the independence and freedom of our country. And hereinafter, all of the attendees stood for 1 minute of silence in order to memorize them.
Making a speech in the event the rector of university, the professor Mr. E. Huseynov notified that January 20th is great of importance in the nation’s history and has been engraved in the bloody memory of the nation. He noted that, in the night from 19 to 20th January the soviet army had been caused of the massacre against the peaceful people in Baku. The key goal of this bloody massacre was to break the nations’ will and to make bloody all the regions of Azerbaijan, including Baku as well. Standing unarmed only with the love of homeland and independence against the guns of the soviet army, the nation went to the death saying the words: “Choose the freedom or be burned, Azerbaijan”. Baku put on head the crown of flowers. This event wounded deeply those ones, who made Chambarakend as the “Friendship Park.” Thus, the nation consigned the martyrs in Chanbarakand, in the highest peak of Baku. The rector notified as well that the great leader Mr. Haydar Aliyev came to the representative office in Moscow and at the same day of tragedy and he denied his bulletin of the party. He blamed the criminals of the nation’s killers and notified that that Michel Garbachov and his supporters would be responsible for their actions. Despite of the Garabag conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia, Chogali genocide, Garnakh tragedies, the sadness of the internal displaced persons and yearning of Shuha, our nation has reached the national independence. The great leader Mr. Haydar Aliyev made the independence of Azerbaijan as internal and sustainable after his return. He took political attitude against the happenings of the January 20th and generally, against the genocides, he internalized the memory of martyrs and as the respect of their memory he had been caused of the construction of the Architectural Complex “Shahidler” since his return in 1993. 
The honorable way from the national independence to the national statehood by the means of internal and foreign policy of the president Mr. Ilham Aliyev will lead our people to the national future. 
The head of the New and the Newest History of European and American countries, professor Mr. Sh. Salimaov and the head of Career Center Mr. Z. Bunyatov widely spoke about the history of the tragedy, reasons and about the nation’s struggle in order to get rid of the Russian colonial regime. The speakers stressed that those happenings are not only the tragedy, but also is the page of heroism of our history. The families of martyrs, which made a speech in the event, they expressed their deep esteem and thanks to the President of the country Mr. Ilham Aliyev and to the administration of the University for the rendered support and care accordingly. The students of the university Aliyar Rafiyev, Anara Rzayeva, Konul Ibrahimova, Ibrahim Ganiyev said the poems during the event. Those poems were reflecting the spirit of patriotism, the love of the homeland, national honor and the hate to the enemy. 
Afterwards, the rector, professor Mr. E. Huseynov has accepted the martyr families. The rector interested in their material and spiritual problems during the meeting. And hereinafter, he has instructed to realize the financial support by the university to them.               

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