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The next meeting of Scientific Board took place

The next meeting of the Scientific Board has been held in December 29. Making an opening speech the rector, professor  Mr  E.Huseynov congratulated the members of the board on the occasion of upcoming Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis and New Year. He evaluated the activity, annual reports and the achievements of the university in a high level and wished active participation of everyone in the public and scientific life of university for further period as well. He notified that our university enjoys different holidays at present. Thus, on this occasion he presented the diplomas of associate professor to Gafar Atayet (vise rector on distant, correspondence and additional education),  Fuad  Mammadov (the head of department of Physics methodology) and Rasmiyya  Mammadova (the teacher of department of Phisics methodology), and meanwhile the diploma of philosophical doctor of economic sciences to Shafa Aliyev (the lecturer of the department of World Economy), the diploma of professor to Aslan Bayramov (the head acietific investigational labaratry of Folklore study) and the diploma of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Russia to Ramazan Mammadov (vise rector on Sciences and Innovations) and wished them many successes in their scientific pedagogical activity.
Afterwards, the subjects of the agenda got started to be discussed.  The assoc. professor Mr. Isabal Gurbanov (director of Educational and Methodological Center) made a speech on preparation conditions of the autumn examination session of 2016-2017.  He noted that all conditions were provided for the objective and transparent exam process and the essays of the students are under the objective control. Hereinafter, the assoc. professor Mr. Gadir  Mansurov made a speech on final report of realized scientific works during 2016. 
Mr. Ramazan Mammadov (vise-rector on Sciences and Innovations) reported on preparation works for 2nd forum of the Association of Azerbaijani and Russian High Schools and 10th International Scientific Practical Conference of Young Scholars named by “Actual problems of science and technics”. He widely spoke about the attempts to be done accordingly. It has been decided to create the position of professor - adviser during the discussions. In the end of the meeting the scientific secretary professor Agil Huseynov announced the final resolution that is considered the activity of the Board satisfactory.           
Translation: Linguistic Center

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