The semi-final stage of the Republican Science Olympiad in Informatics was held with the participation of students at SSU
On February 15, the semi-final stage of the Republican Science Olympiad in Informatics for the younger age group was held. It should be noted that the exam was organized with the participation of 8-9 grade students for the younger age group at ADA, BHOS, UNEC, ASOIU, UFAZ, BSU, BEU, SSU, ATU, AzUAC, National Aviation Academy, Khazar University, and Nakhchivan STEAM Center. On February 16, the semi-final stage of the RSO in Informatics took place for the older age group, with the participation of 10-11 grade students. 100 students participated in the semi-final round of the Republican Science Olympiad in Informatics at Sumgayit State University and tested their knowledge. A total of more than 2,100 students in the younger and older age groups demonstrated their knowledge and skills over two days to qualify for the final stage.