The results of the III International Essay Competition organized by Kazan State Energy University on the theme “Global Problems of Humanity: Man, Nature, Technology” on October 7-21, 2024 have been announced. 612 participants from 61 international universities participated in the competition, which was organized in three sections (English, German, French). Ten students from the Philology and Engineering faculties of Sumgayit State University (SSU) participated, and three of our students were awarded: I degree diploma, 4th year student of the Philology faculty Khumar Rzayeva (scientific supervisor: senior lecturer of the department of Foreign languages Saadat Khalilova), II degree diploma, 1st year student of the Engineering faculty Orkhan Ahadzade (scientific supervisor: PhD of the department of Foreign languages Jala Mammadova), III degree diploma, 1st year student of the Engineering faculty Fuad Tarlanzade (scientific supervisor: PhD of the department of Foreign languages Jala Mammadova). Other students were awarded certificates of participation. The organizers of the competition sent diplomas and certificates to the winners, and letters of appreciation to the scientific supervisors to Sumgayit State University. The deans of the faculties congratulated the winning students and wished them success in their future activities.