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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 23 October 2024 22:53
"What is SYO?" at SSU presentation of the project was held

On October 23, presentation of the project "What is SYO?" for first-year students was held at Sumgait State University, organized by the Student Youth Organization (SYO).First, the National Anthem of the Republic of Azerbaijan was played and the memory of the children of the Motherland, who died for our territorial integrity, was commemorated with a minute of silence.In the presentation, the university"s vice-rector for social affairs and public relations, associate professor Elmar Khalilov, spoke about the role of young people in the development of our country and the successful state youth policy implemented in the country. He said that high attention and care is given to young people today. As a result, our young people actively participate in science, education, various sports competitions, cultural and other fields and achieve successful results.It is a gratifying factor that the students of Sumgait State University also contribute to the development of the youth of Azerbaijan. Today, Sumgait State University is not satisfied only with the training of professional personnel, it also creates all conditions for the identification of talented students and the effective use of their free time. In this regard, the Student Youth Organization of Sumgait State University takes significant steps in the direction of increasing the activity of students in public life.Then, in the presentation of the Aynaband group, interesting performances were heard.At the event, Gulshan Gubadova, manager of work with members of the Student Youth Organizations Union of Azerbaijan (ASYOU), gave a speech and informed about the mission of the organization represented by young people.She stated that the purpose of the union is to help the development of education in higher and secondary specialized schools, to represent and defend the interests of students, and to create conditions for their active participation in the public, cultural and socio-economic life of the republic.Then a video showing the activities of ASYOU was shown.The chairman of the Student Youth Organization of SSU, Ravan Pashayev, made a broad speech about the measures implemented for the more active participation of the members of the organization in the public life of the university and the country.Nazrin Hasanova, chairman of SYO"s Music Club, gave detailed information about the activities of the organization"s clubs.


Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-018-64-2-15-06