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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 07 October 2024 12:19
Employees of Kazan State Energy University at SSU

International cooperation between Kazan State Energy University (KSEU) and SSU started in 2013. During this period, various events were carried out, the delegations of both sides made mutual visits and became partners in joint international projects. In 2022, it is possible to mention the visit of the delegation led by KSEU vice-rector for development and innovation I.G. Akhmetova to SSU. On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of KSEU in November 2023, the visit of the delegation led by the SSU rector to KSEU is of great importance.These days, within the framework of the "Algarish" grant program of the Republic of Tatarstan, another visit of KSEU teachers to SSU took place in order to have a professional experience on "Artificial intelligence and machine learning in teaching foreign languages" Rector of Sumgait State University Rufat Azizov received G.F. Lutfullina, doctor of science in philology, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of Kazan State Energy University, and E.V. Dmitriyeva, associate professor of the department, doctor of science in pedagogy.Associate Professor Konul Abasli, vice-rector for international relations of SSU, introduced the guests to the rector and touched on issues of mutual interest within the framework of cooperation between our universities, saying that the meeting will contribute to successful cooperation between students and teachers of both universities.Professor Nigar Iskenderova, head of the Department of Foreign Languages of SSU, noted that the department"s cooperation with the Department of Foreign Languages of the Kazan State Energy University of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation began in 2021. Over the years, employees of our departments participated in international conferences held in both universities, prepared essay contests for students, and prepared students for multimedia presentation contests.In 2024, as a result of the joint discussion of the employees of both departments, it was decided to hold professional development and improvement courses for the employees of the department. For this purpose, employees of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Kazan State Energy University applied to the Tatarstan government and won the "Algarish" grant. Within the framework of the grant program, two employees of that department, Prof. Lutfullina Gulnara and Assoc. Dmitriyeva Yelena at Sumgait State University "Advanced Technologies in Teaching Foreign Languages", "Psycho-Pedagogical Aspects of Lesson Analysis", "Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Teaching Foreign Languages and Computer Learning ( ML)" were invited to SSU for a period of seven days from October 1, 2024 to undergo professional experience..Rector Rufat Azizov informed the guests about the activity, international relations and achievements of SSU, spoke about the friendly relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation, and expressed his satisfaction that Sumgait State University successfully cooperated with many universities of Russia, including Kazan State Energy University. The rector also noted that such meetings organized in our university in recent years make invaluable contributions to the successful development of bilateral relations in various fields, including the field of education.Thanking the rector for his hospitality, the guests informed about the comprehensive activities of KSEU, relations with foreign universities, noted that they were satisfied with their relations with Sumgait State University, and expressed their interest in expanding relations between the two universities and exchanging experience.Then the guests got acquainted with the organization of training, teaching, scientific-research work of the Department of Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Philology of SSU. They participated in the discussion of general linguistics, machine translation, holding joint conferences and webinars, international student competitions, and organizing joint research at the Round Table organized in the department.A wide cultural program was also offered for KSEU employees, and the guests thanked the university management for the attention and care shown to them.



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