Qarabağ Azərbaycandır!
 On May 21, the next meeting of the Scientific Council of Sumgait State University was held.
Rector of the university, chairman of the Scientific Council, associate professor Rufat Azizov opened the meeting with an introductory speech, greeted the members of the Council, professors and teachers, gave brief information about the "Solidarity for a Green World" Forum held at SSU. The rector positively assessed the organization and conduct of the forum, the accommodation of guests, the round table with invited representatives from industrial enterprises and research institutes, and expressed his gratitude to everyone who contributed.
Then he also evaluated the XXIV Republican scientific conference of the master students, the high results obtained by the young teachers of the university from the English language test. He also informed about other events held for the dynamic development of SSU. Then the issues on the agenda were approved.
Assoc. prof. Elshad Abdullayev, vice-Rector on Science and Innovations, spoke about the results of the scientific-research, scientific-pedagogical experiences and attestations of the graduate students and the structural changes at SSU. He noted that the scientific-research, scientific-pedagogical experiences of the second-year graduate students were fully completed according to the schedule. The results of attestations of second-year graduate students at the faculty Scientific Councils are satisfactory.
It was considered appropriate to identify talented, self-motivated graduate students, who have high academic performance, actively participate in the public life of the university, and to form the academic staff of the university at the expense of SSU"s graduates.
Associate professor Elshad Abdullayev informed about the merger of the Scientific department with the department of Doctoral studies and Master"s degree naming it "Doctoral studies, master"s degree and science department", as well as the department"s duties and responsibilities, and the abolition of scientific research
laboratories. He said that in order to raise the level of teaching and scientific-researches at the doctorate and master"s levels of SSU, and to create a more flexible and dynamic system. The Doctoral studies, master"s degree and science department are responsible for the qualitative updating of scientific research works at SSU, as well as the inclusion of the results of scientific researches in the international summarizing and indexing systems (Web of Science and SCOPUS).
After the speech, assoc. prof. Samir Orujov and vice-rector on Science and Innovations assoc. prof. Elshad Abdullayev were entrusted with the preparation of the Statutes of the Doctorate studies, master"s degree and science department before the next Scientific Council.
New programs at the master"s level: risks and responsibilities, Vice-Rector for Social Affairs and Public Relations Elmar Khalilov made a speech and pointed out that on April 30, 2024, in order to inform the general public about master"s programs with new content, SSU Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations, Associate Professor Elshad Abdullayev held a large-scale webinar over the Internet.
The vice-rector also informed about the planning of student admission to the master"s level of SSU for the "Chemistry and technology of basic organic synthesis" and "Chemical technology of polymers" specializations of the "Chemical engineering" specialty for the 2024/2025 academic year.
During the discussion of various issues, the scientific secretary professor Mukhtar Samadov made a speech about the granting of a special scholarship and free accommodation to students admitted to SSU with indicators higher than 500 points at the bachelor"s level.
Associate professor Natig Talibov, vice-rector on Teaching organization and training technologies, spoke about the Additional Education Center. Revising and advancing the Regulations of the Additional Education Center, at the same time it was considered appropriate to prepare programs , expanding the scope of the center"s activities, organizing advanced training courses for applicants from secondary schools, colleges and industrial enterprises on a special program, for specialists participating in advanced training courses from industrial enterprises, as well as general subjects, as well as special courses according to their specialties.
Associate professor Elmar Khalilov, vice-rector on Social affairs and public relations, spoke about the approval of the Regulations of the Center for Sustainable Development to be established at SSU, and the Regulations of the Center for Sustainable Development were approved.
The scientific secretary, professor Mukhtar Samadov, spoke about the granting of publishing rights to educational materials, noted that the Scientific Council received a total of 6 educational and teaching-methodical materials, including 2 textbooks, 1 monograph, and 3 subject programs.
The issue of submitting a petition before the HAC was discussed in order to grant the academic title of professor to Agil Huseynov, the title of associate professor to Osman Hajiyev, associate professor of the department of Foreign languages, Esmira Behbudova, associate professor of the department of Biology Kamala Isayeva, associate professor of the department of Biology .
After the discussions, based on the results of the secret voting, it was allowed to file a petition before the HAC to give scientific names to the collaborators.
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