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Home | News | A Scientific-Practical Conference Dedicated To The 100th Anniversary Of The Republic Of Turkey Was Held At SSU
Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 27 October 2023 15:04
A Scientific-Practical Conference Dedicated To The 100th Anniversary Of The Republic Of Turkey Was Held At SSU
This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Republic of Turkey. On the occasion of this significant day, on October 27, Sumgayit State University organized a scientific-practical conference on "From liberation to development" organized by the faculty of History and geography.
The dean of the faculty of History and geography, professor Adil Bakhshaliyev, opened the conference with an opening speech and congratulated the participants on the occasion of the Republic Day, stating that this remarkable anniversary is a source of pride not only for brother Turkey, but for the entire Turkic world. The declaration of the Republic of Turkey was one of the most important events of the 20th century. During the past period, the Republic of Turkey developed comprehensively, went through a great and honorable rise, and took its rightful place in the ranks of the most advanced countries.
The dean added that the great leader Heydar Aliyev laid the philosophical and ideological line of the relations between the two brotherly states. Here, the relating thesis between the main states is the expression "One nation, two states". Azerbaijan-Turkey relations are developing successfully in all areas today. Mutual visits of President Ilham Aliyev and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan play an important role in the development of relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey.
Professor Adil Bakhshaliyev stated that today's conference will be another contribution to the expansion of relations between our countries and wished success to the work of the conference.
Then a video showing the unity of the Turkic world was shown.
Later, Dr. Sadık Chetin, a member of the faculty of Gaziantep University, an employee of the department of History and its teaching methodology, gave a report on "The Republic of Turkey from Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to Recep Tayyip Erdogan: History of liberation and development". He said that Azerbaijan and Turkey were always by each other's side in both happy and sad days. It is gratifying that the Turkish-Azerbaijani unity, friendship and brotherhood continue successfully today, and the pure, sincere and native relations between our peoples are deepening and entering a new stage.
The lecturers spoke on the topics:Yusifali  Hasanov, associate professor of the department of History and its teaching methodology,"Azerbaijan-Turkey relations in 100 years", Sona Maharramova, associate professor of that department, "Azerbaijan-Turkey brotherhood in the victory of Karabakh". They emphasized that what unites us is not only the interests of our states, but also loyalty, trust and mutual support. Since the first years of independence, Turkey has always supported Azerbaijan's steps towards state building and has raised its voice for Azerbaijan in events attended by major powers. The support of Azerbaijan's position by a strong state in the region and in the world like Turkey was a great political and moral support for us in the Patriotic War and added strength to our strength. The glorious Victory achieved in the Karabakh war was evaluated as a historical Victory not only of Azerbaijan, but also of Turkey and the entire Turkic world. Long live Turkey-Azerbaijan brotherhood!
After the speeches, an Azerbaijan-Turkey poem was performed by Aisha Amrahova, a first-year graduate student.
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