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The next meeting of the Scientific Council of SSU was held
On October 13, the next meeting of the Scientific Council of Sumgayit State University was held.
Rector of the University, Chairman of the Scientific Council, Rufat Azizov, opened the meeting with an introductory speech, greeted the members of the council, professors and teachers, and informed about the issues on the agenda, and the agenda was approved.
Rector Rufat Azizov gave detailed information about the improvement or redrafting of the Strategic Development Plan of SSU.
The composition of the proposed Working Group was approved for ensuring the dynamic development of SSU towards strategic goals, mobilizing the collective in the direction of constantly keeping strategic issues in focus, solving them, and solving other necessary issues as well.
Management and coordination of the re-drafting of the Strategic Development Plan of SSU was entrusted to the Working group.
Then, the respective heads of structures were entrusted with the preparation of the Action Plan of SSU for 2024 on the implementation of the recommendations indicated in the Final Report of the Accreditation Commission.
Rector Rufat Azizov, who gave a detailed report on the discussion of employment and teacher recruitment statistics, emphasized the constant monitoring and focus of the competition conditions and tests held by the Ministry of Science and Education for the recruitment of teachers, and the delivery of all available innovations to the students studying in the teaching profession to the relevant faculty deans and departments. entrusted to his superiors.
The Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations, Professor Ramazan Mammadov, was entrusted with ensuring the holding of scientific conferences at a high level and inviting participants from foreign universities to international scientific conferences.
Associate Professor Elmar Khalilov, Vice-Rector for Social Affairs and Public Relations, informed about the events to be held in connection with the celebration of Victory Day on November 8.
Then the Plan prepared for the Victory Day was brought into consideration.
Ensuring that all the events specified in the Plan are carried out on time and at a high level was entrusted to the relevant structure heads and the associate professor of general supervision Elmar Khalilov.
During the discussion of various issues, Scientific Secretary Professor Mukhtar Samadov informed about the replacement of some subjects in the Computer Engineering, Information Technologies, Informatics and Mathematics teaching majors of the "Code Academy" educational institution of the Ministry of Science and Education. The Ministry of Science and Education "Code Academy" educational institution was allowed to replace some of the subjects taught in the Computer engineering, Information technologies, Informatics and mathematics teaching specialties of SSU.
Vice-Rector for Economic Affairs Naib Hajiyev informed about the increase of fees due to the teaching load and some changes in the structure of SSU.
In order to ensure a more flexible and efficient operation of the economic affairs of the SSU, it was considered appropriate to create a Technical Support Department by combining the Department of Economy, Supply Department, Technical Operation Department, Civil Defense and FPH, Information Technologies Center operating in the university.
Within the Department of Technical Support, the Departments of Maintenance, Supply, Technical Operation, Civil Defense, Information Technologies Center were created.
Then, the general requirements for the preparation of Graduation work and Course work, SSU Student House Regulations, Student House Internal Discipline Rules and Student Council Regulations of the Student House were approved.
Ulviyya Mustafayeva, the assistant of the Department of Physics and its Teaching Methodology, was approved as the scientific supervisor for the Ph.D. dissertation.
Academic secretary Professor Mukhtar Samadov informed about the granting of publishing rights to educational materials and stated that 5 of the 13 materials included in the Scientific Council are lessons, 2 are monographs, and 6 are subject programs.
After the discussions, permission was given to publish the educational materials and the meeting of the Scientific Council was concluded.


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