Qarabağ Azərbaycandır!
On July 3, Sumgayit State University held a scientific-practical seminar dedicated to the 100th anniversary of National Leader Heydar Aliyev on the topic "Actual problems of the socio-economic development model of modern Azerbaijan and the role of economists in solving them".
Academician Ziyad Samadzade, Chairman of the Union of Economists of Azerbaijan, Member of the Milli Majlis, Chairman of the Board of the Social Development Center, Member of the Milli Majlis Vugar Bayramov, Professor of the Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Honored Teacher Mahish Ahmadov and the faculty members of the university participated in the scientific-practical seminar.
Opening the scientific-practical seminar, SSU vice-rector on Science and innovations professor Ramazan Mammadov greeted the guests on behalf of the rector of the university professor Elkhan Huseynov, and expressed his pleasure to see them at the university.
Speaking about the importance of the scientific-practical seminar, the vice-rector said that the honorable president Ilham Aliyev signed the Decree on the declaration of 2023 as the "Year of Heydar Aliyev" in the Republic of Azerbaijan. For this purpose, a series of events are held at SSU. Organized by the faculty of Economics and management, this seminar highlighted Heydar Aliyev's unparalleled services in the formation of the national economy of Azerbaijan.
Professor Ramazan Mammadov also noted that today Azerbaijan is an independent state that is rapidly integrating into the international world, has ensured dynamic economic development and reliable political stability. Socio-political stability, strong economy, social institutions, powerful army, leading position in the region, all these are the reality of today.
The vice-rector also emphasized that the victory we won three years ago opened new opportunities for the future development of the South Caucasus and the countries of the region as a whole. Ensuring sustainable peace and stability creates new opportunities for deepening economic cooperation between the countries of the region, as well as accelerates the integration of the region into the world economy as a whole.
Chairman of the Union of Azerbaijan Economists academician, MP Ziyad Samadzade gave a wide report on "The unique role of Heydar Aliyev for creating of the socio-economic development model of independent Azerbaijan and the strategic tasks of economists-scientists in this direction in modern times". He said that one of the main conditions for the development of Azerbaijan as an independent state and improving of the welfare of the population is the economic potential of the republic. In the national development strategy, which was once the author of the Great Leader, he correctly defined the tasks ahead in the economic field and skillfully implemented them. The academician also noted that during the first period when the Great Leader came to power - until the 70s of the last century, Azerbaijan had the status of an agrarian country. As a result of purposeful and consistent work carried out under the leadership of our Great Leader, Azerbaijan turned from an agrarian country into an industrial republic. Today, the economic policy strategy laid by the national leader Heydar Aliyev is successfully implemented by the head of state, Mr. Ilham Aliyev. The reputation of our republic on the world scale has increased even more. The measures implemented by President Mr. Ilham Aliyev, the decrees and orders he signed, his direct communication with the people, are the logical continuation of the work started by our National Leader. Today, in accordance with the requirements of the time, it has been achieved by conducting economic reforms in a complex and connected manner, implementing state programs formed on the basis of forecasts, local, regional and international investment projects and integration into the world economy. The logical result of all this Azerbaijan's reputation and position in the international world is increasing year by year.
Vugar Bayramov, a deputy of the Milli Majlis, delivered a report on "The role of scientific and economic research in justifying Azerbaijan's economic development goals" and stated that international relations play a very important role in Azerbaijan's rightful place in the system of modern international relations and in the establishment and development of its relations with individual states. The international reputation of Azerbaijan and the number of countries that want to cooperate with us are increasing. Azerbaijan has been able to confirm itself as a reliable partner in the world, in the international arena.
They  reported on the topics: Mahish Ahmadov, professor of Azerbaijan State University of Economics, honorary teacher "Modern problems of organizing and efficiently conducting fundamental research in economics in Azerbaijan", Shafa Aliyev professor of the department of World economy and marketing of SSU "Priorities of forming conceptual scientific and economic approaches in determining the solutions to the current problems of socio-economic development.
They emphasized that Azerbaijan is among the countries that glorify the sustainable development model in the economy. Successful socio-economic and political achievements, national and multicultural values create confidence that the power of Azerbaijan, which is the junction of East and West, will increase even more in the coming years. These opportunities guarantee the strengthening of Azerbaijan's economic sovereignty and its transformation into a powerful state with a high social welfare society based on modern living standards in the period up to 2030.
At the end of the seminar, Academician Ziyad Samadzade presented the five-volume book "Economy of Azerbaijan in 100 Years" to economist-researchers of Sumgayit State University.
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