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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 14 February 2023 16:26
Representatives of SSU participated in the round table held at USOTU
On February 14, Ufa State Oil Technical University held a hybrid round table on "Engineering problems of petrochemical and oil refining complex in the context of higher education". Professor Ramazan Mammadov - vice rector for Science and innovations from Sumgayit State University associate professor Mahal Muradov, dean of the faculty of Chemistry and biology participated in the round table.
Professor Ramazan Mammadov thanked the organizers of the event for their invitation and talked about the importance of the meeting.
Representatives of the members of the Russian-Azerbaijan Association of Universities: Sumgayit State University, Ufa State Oil Technical University, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, Samara State Polytechnic University, Tver State Technical University took part in the hybrid event. The round table continued with extensive discussions of the participants on the topic.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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