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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 20 January 2023 15:03
An event dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the January 20 tragedy was held at SSU
The January 20 tragedy, which has become a symbol of national unity and patriotism, is a glorious history of our people"s struggle for their sovereignty.
On January 20, an event dedicated to the 33rd anniversary of the January 20 tragedy was held at Sumgayit State University.
The administration and student staff of Sumgayit State University visited the memorial monument of students-graduates who rose to the peak of martyrdom created in the yard of the university, and laid flowers to  the monument. The souls of our martyrs, who died for the freedom and territorial integrity of our country, were commemorated with a minute of silence.
Then the participants viewed the photo exhibition organized on the occasion of January 20 National Day of Mourning in the lobby of the university.
The rector of the university professor Elkhan Huseynov made a speech at the event in the assembly hall and noted that the events of January 20, 1990, which are forever engraved in our blood memory containing tragedy and patriotism  are a turning point in our history and had a significant impact on the future destiny of Azerbaijan. January 20 is also the day when our national will triumphed. Therefore, our young people should know historical truths. The tragedy of January 20, 1990 should always be studied and passed on to future generations as it was.
Professor Elkhan Huseynov also noted that the issue of political and legal assessment of the January 20 tragedy at the state level was resolved thanks to the national leader Heydar Aliyev. Heydar Aliyev, who was living in Moscow at that time, came to the permanent representation of Azerbaijan on January 21 and shared the grief of our people and condemned the bloody crime committed by the Soviet leadership in Baku. As a result of our Great Leader"s statement regarding the events of January 20, the world learned about this terrible state terror perpetrated against the people of Azerbaijan by the leadership of the USSR. On the initiative of National leader Heydar Aliyev, who returned to his homeland from Moscow in July 1990, on November 21 of the same year, a document giving a political and legal assessment of the January 20 tragedy was adopted for the first time in the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. This decision, embodying the general opinion of the Azerbaijani people, went down in history as a manifestation of the great leader Heydar Aliyev"s determination. However, the blood of our martyrs and the sacrifices made by the people were not wasted. Under the leadership of president  Ilham Aliyev, as a result of the historic victory we won in the 44-day Patriotic war. The rector stressed that the wishes of the victims of the January 20 tragedy, like all our Martyrs have come true and that their ideas have won, and that the dear memories of our compatriots who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of our Motherland and the integrity of our lands will be kept alive by our people. He noted that their family members and relatives are always surrounded by state care.
Then a documentary film called "January 20 - Our Blood Memory" featuring the tragedy was shown.
Head of the department of literature of Azerbaijan and foreign countries professor Avtandil Mammadov "January 20 is the chronicle  of honor and heroism", head of the department of History and its teaching methodology associate professor Sona Maharramova "January 20 is the peak of the struggle of the Azerbaijani people for independence" spoke on the night of January 19-20  about the massacre carried out by the Soviet army in Azerbaijan. The speakers noted the role of the events of January 20 in the patriotism education of young people and the development of traditions of independent statehood, and emphasized the need to further increase the activity of young people in studying the history of Azerbaijan and conveying the truths to the world community.
Saadat Adiyeva - the sister of Hamza Adiyev who was a student of the university  speaking on behalf of the families of the martyrs said that the memory of the victims of the January 20 tragedy is always honored by our people, and the anniversary of this event is commemorated with great respect at the state level every year. Martyr"s sister Saadat Adiyeva expressed her deep gratitude to the head of the country  Ilham Aliyev, as well as the university management, for the attention and care shown to the families of the martyrs.
Poems dedicated to "Bloody January events" were performed by students at the event.
Then the rector of Sumgayit State University professor Elkhan Huseynov received the families of the martyrs. He was interested in their financial and moral problems. He said that each of us is obliged to show deep respect to the family members and heirs of our martyrs.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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