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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 19 January 2023 17:15
The next meeting of the Scientific Council of Sumgayit State University was held
On January 19, the next meeting of the Scientific Council was held at Sumgayit State University.
Rector of the university professor Elkhan Huseynov greeted the members of the council and declared the meeting open.
First, rector, professor Elkhan Huseynov congratulated the employees who received scientific degrees and academic titles in the last months on behalf of the members of the Scientific Council. He wished them success in their future activities.
Then the agenda of the meeting was discussed and approved.
In connection with the declaration of 2023 as the "Year of Heydar Aliyev" vice-rector for Social affairs and public relations  Elmar Khalilov informed about the event plan of SSU. He said that the anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev is organized at a high level every year at SSU and is carried out according to the plan of special events. For studing of Heydar Aliyev"s heritage and the teaching of all areas of his activity to students and young people in the Heydar Aliyev school  seminars held regularly. Heydar Aliyev Center of the university is  a manifestation of the deep respect and esteem that the SSU management and staff have for this genius. Docent Elmar Khalilov noted that the services of the national leader to our state and people are incomparable, if we look at the path from 2003 to today, we will see that the political course of the National leader continues successfully. A deeper study of Heydar Aliyev"s heritage and its transmission from generation to generation is the civic duty of every Azerbaijani.
The report of associate professor Elmar Khalilov was widely discussed by members of the Scientific Council. In connection with the declaration of 2023 as the "Year of Heydar Aliyev", they noted that the event plan of SSU covers all aspects of the activities of this genius and was prepared  precisely in terms of its content and essence, and additions were made to the Action plan of SSU.
The rector noted that on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Heydar Aliyev, the national leader of the Azerbaijani people, genius, and world-famous political figure, the "Strategic Development Center" and "Innovation and Creativity Center" will start operating at the university. Also, the groundbreaking ceremony of the new academic building of Sumgayit State University will be held.
Then according to the action plan approved by the order of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. F-709, dated December 14, 2022 in order to ensure the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 29, 2022 regarding the declaration of "2023 Year of Heydar Aliyev in the Republic of Azerbaijan" the Action Plan of SSU was approved.
Associate professor Zafar Huseynov- advisor of the rector  gave a detailed report on the implementation of the 2022 Action Plan and the approval of the 2023 Action Plan regarding the implementation of the Strategic Development Plan of SSU. He noted that the effective implementation of the 2022 Action Plan and productive work was carried out. In particular, the overhaul of the Student House was completed and put into use in accordance with international standards.
 The implementation of the Action Plan for 2022 regarding the implementation of the Strategic Development Plan of SSU was positively evaluated and the Action Plan for 2023 was approved.
Associate professor Zafar Huseynov  gave information about the establishment of the "Strategic Development Center" at SSU, noted that the Strategic Development Plan of SSU is updated every 5 years and that very important, promising goals aimed at the future development of the university are planned in the plan. Associate professor Zafar Huseynov stated that the establishment of the Strategic Development Center at SSU is in line with the goal.
After the discussions, a decision was made to establish the Strategic Development Center of SSU and its Statute was approved.
The decision to establish the Department of Electronic University Management at SSU and the preliminary version of the staff unit of the Student House were approved.
The names of the departments of Automation of processes, Metrology and Standardization, Information and Computer Techniques of the faculty of Engineering were renamed to the departments of Automation and control, Mechanics and transport technologies, Electronics and computer technology in accordance with the new revision.
The head of the department of Quality Assurance in Education Narmin Hasanova gave detailed information about the final report of the work done in 2022 and the approval of the Action plan for 2023 on quality assurance in education at SSU. She  said that the works planned for 2022 regarding quality assurance in education at SSU have been completed.
Then the 2023 Action Plan on quality assurance in education was approved.
Academic secretary professor Mukhtar Samadov informed about the granting of publishing rights to teaching materials and stated that the Scientific Council received 8 educational methodical work. Among them are 1 monograph, 1 textbook, and 6 subject programs. After the discussions, it was decided to publish the teaching materials.
Then, in connection with the granting of academic titles, the issue of submitting a petition to the HAC to grant the title of associate professor to the head of the department of Electrical Engineering and energy, associate professor Nadir Hajibalayev, associate professor of the department of Information and computer engineering A.S. Huseynova, associate professor of the department of History and its teaching methodology Samir Karimli  was discussed.
After the discussions, based on the results of the secret voting, it was decided to submit a petition to the  HAC to give them the title of associate professor.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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