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"International Week" events started at SSU
"International Week" events   started   which organized by the department of International cooperation and foreign students on May 4 at Sumgayit  State University. The event was opened by the vice-rector for International relations, associate professor Gafar Atayev, who greeted the participants and introduced the first guest of the “International Week” Agshin Aliyev, doctor of philosophy in Philology, head of the  departement of Azerbaijani Language of the Asian faculty of Beijing  Foreign Studies University. He noted that our national leader Heydar Aliyev laid the foundation of the Diaspora for the development of our state and its worthy place in the world and his  successor was further developed  by President Ilham Aliyev. As a culmination of this policy, he stressed  V Congress of World Azerbaijanis - the Victory Congress was held  in April 2022 in Shusha- the cultural capital of Azerbaijan.
The main purpose of the series of events is to meet Azerbaijani scientists and researchers successfully working in different countries with the university's student-teacher audience, as well as their successful integration into the international community and the opportunity to benefit from them.
Agshin Aliyev made a presentation on "International teaching of the Azerbaijani language: parameters and boundaries." He gave detailed information about the content, methods and difficulties of international teaching of the Azerbaijani language, which was a new terminology. The seminar continued with questions addressed by the participants to the guest.
The event was attended by the dean of the faculty of Philology, associate professor Sevinj Hamzayeva, heads of departments, teachers and students.
It should be noted that within a week, influential scientists working outside the country will share their experiences with the staff  of SSU. Scientists from China, the United States, Belgium, Germany and Turkey are expected to attend the International Week.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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