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Home | News | A scientific-practical conference dedicated to the “140th anniversary of Yerevan Teachers' Seminary” was held at the faculty of History and geography of SSU
A scientific-practical conference dedicated to the “140th anniversary of Yerevan Teachers' Seminary” was held at the faculty of History and geography of SSU
On April 27, a scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the Yerevan Teachers' Seminary was organized by the faculty of History and geography of Sumgayit State University.
Opening the conference dean of the faculty of History and geography professor Adil Bakhshaliyev greeted the participants and spoke about the importance of the order signed by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan "On the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Yerevan Teachers' Seminary". Ignorance of the past prevents  not only the understanding of what is happening now, but also  put a barrier to create the future. The past is as much about the present as it is about the future. We must study the past well and have the moral values ​​created by our predecessors, not only in terms of today, but also in terms of deep understanding and appreciation of the future. In this regard, the Presidential Decree on the celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Yerevan Teachers' Seminary is of scientific-pedagogical, political-ideological, cultural-spiritual significance. This order is aimed at restoring our memory and achieving strategic goals by owning the historical heritage created by Azerbaijanis in the Yerevan region for thousands of years. The dean also noted that the study of the history of the Teachers' Seminary, one of the glorious pages of our educational history which began operating 140 years ago in the ancient Azerbaijani city of Yerevan. The light of this old center of education  which has made a great contribution to the development of our national education and has written bright pages in the history of our education.
At the conference, the head of the department of History and Methods of Teaching associate professor Sona Maharramova "The role of the Yerevan Teachers' Seminary in the training of Azerbaijani teachers", head of the Folklore Research Laboratory professor Astan Bayramov "Yerevan pages of our national history - Lost West Azerbaijan - our ancient lands , Nazim Mustafa  head of the department of the Presidential Library of the Republic of Azerbaijan, doctor of philosophy in history  professor Shirkhan Salimov  head of the department of history of Azerbaijan and Eastern European Peoples  made report on “Literary environment and education in Yerevan” made reports. They noted that the city of Yerevan has historically gained a reputation as one of the great centers of science, education and culture inhabited by Azerbaijanis. Rich literary and cultural environment belonging to the Azerbaijani people were  formed in the city. After the Iravan Khanate joined Tsarist Russia  this environment  played an important role in paying special attention to secular education. From the second half of the 19th century, the enlightenment movement in the South Caucasus became widespread. The opening of a new type of secular school in the region - the Yerevan Teachers' Seminary - coincided with this time. The speakers gave detailed information about the traces left by the seminary in the history of our national education and the organization of education.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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