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Educational building
Sumgayit State University has 3 educational buildings and 2 dormitories.
The first educational building of SSU consists of 4 floors. There are 4 faculties in the main educational building - Mathematics, Engineering, Economics and Management, History and Geography. The educational building also has an auditorium and laboratories in accordance with modern educational standards, a rich library, an information and computing center equipped with modern equipment, a publishing and printing department, and two assembly halls. There is also a sports club and a spacious canteen in the main building. It should be noted that the directory (rector, vice-rectors) operates in the main building. All  the departments and centers are located in the first educational building.
The second educational building of SSU has 2 faculties - the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology, the Faculty of Physics and Power Engineering. There is an auditorium in accordance with modern educational standards and laboratories equipped with modern equipment. This educational building also has a separate dining room. The building consists of 5 floors.
The third educational building of SSU is located in the 16th block of Sumgayit. The Faculty of Philology and the Department of Additional Education operate in the two-storey 3rd educational building. The educational building has a library and a canteen. There is a Folklore Laboratory in this educational building. The Sumgayit Center established under the Azerbaijan Fencing Federation also operates in the gym of the 3rd educational building for the sports club.
All three educational buildings have closed courtyards. Mini football and basketball stadiums have been built in the university yard, a chess floor has been laid in the large yard for students to spend their free time, and table tennis has been installed.
Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-018-64-2-15-06