Qarabağ Azərbaycandır!
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The department was established in 1997 under the name of “Informatics”. Professor  V.A. Mustafayev has been leading the department since 1998.
Academic staff:
2professors, 3 assoc. professors, 3 senior lecturers, 3 assistants are working in the department.
Personnel of the department:
1. V.A. Mustafayev – Ph.D, professor
2. G.N. Atayev – PhD, assoc. professor
3. A.A. Isgandarov –Ph.D, professor
4. Sh.S. Huseynzade – Ph.D, assoc. professor
5. G.Y.Abbasova –PhD,senior lecturer
6. M.N.Salmanova- senior lecturer
7. A.D. Tagiyeva – senior lecturer
8. S.R. Javadova –assistant
9. S.I. Gurbanova – senior lecturer
10. E.A. Nasirova –assistant
11. K.R.Aliyeva- assistant
Extra  staff:
Kh.F. Karimova – head of the  laboratory
S.S. Hasanova – senior lab.assist.
K.Y. Haydarova – senior lab.assist.
G.J.Rustamova –laboratory assistant
In the department of  Informatics, 3 dissertation students with a PhD program in computer science  and 8 master's  degree students on a PhD program are engaged in the 1203.01-Computer science specialty.
Subjects taught
Bachelor degree:
2.Informatics and ICT in education
3. Informatics and computer analysis of environmental processes
4. Basics of informatics
5. ICT in education
6.Computer modeling
7. Programming
8. Parallel distributed calculations
9. Information systems and databases
10. Theory of algorithms
11. Computer networks
12. ICT-based computer skills
13. Modern ICT and information security
14. Information management
15. Computer hardware and software
16. Theoretical foundations of computer science
17. Database
18. Programming languages
19. Provision of application programs
20. Information security
21. Computer graphics
22. Web technologies
23. Computer programs in physics
24. Basics of programming
25. Bioinformatics
Master degree:
1. Some issues of informatics
2. Special chapters of mathematics
3. History and methodology of computer science
4. Computer networks
5.Modern computers; mathematical software of computer networks
6. Modern problems of computer science
7. Setting up computer systems and operating systems
8. Theoretical foundations of computer science
9. Parallel distributed computing
10. Algorithm theory and algorithmic languages
Scientific directions of the department
"1203.01- Computer science is the scientific direction of the department of Informatics.
The main scientific publications of the department in recent years
In the recent 5 years in the department of Informatics, 1 monograph, 4 textbooks, 56 articles, 3 methodological instructions, 114 theses, 38 subject programs have been published  in and abroad.
The department cooperates with following institutions:
Relations of department employees with higher education and scientific research institutes
The department of Informatics closely cooperates with a number of scientific institutions of the republic, higher education and science centers of the CIS countries and other foreign countries. Close relations have been established with Institute of Management Systems of ANAS, Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University, Institute of Management Problems of AS of Russia, Middle East Technical University of the Republic of Turkey
Mustafayev Valeh Azad oglu was awarded with an Honorary Decree by the decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 30, 2012.
Mustafayev Valeh Azad oglu was awarded the "Taraggi" medal by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 3334 dated November 2, 2017.
Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-018-64-2-15-06