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Electrical Mechanics
The department of Electromechanics began to function as Industrial electronics in 1971. According to the need for specialists on electric drive in Sumgayit enterprises, department of Electric drive was established on the base of department of Electrical systems and networks in 1990. At that time Can Sc Tec, docent Amraliyev Asaf Bayram oglu was the head of the department of Electric drive. Since 1996, department has been functioning under the name of Electromechanics. From 1994 till 2017, head of the department was correspondent member of ANAS, honored scientist, professor Mammadov Firudin Ibrahim oglu. At present, the head of the department is docent Huseynov Turgay Kilim oglu.
A branch of the department operates under the Education Center of Azerishik OJSC. 6 docents, 2 senior lecturers and 1 assistant are working at department.
Names and positions of department personnel:
1. Abdulova Nafisa Abdulfaz - docent
2. Ahmadov Aslan Diyar -docent
3. Hashimova Ashura Rza –docent
4. Huseynov Ramiz Agali - 0.5 st docent
5. Huseynov Turgay Klim oglu- 0,5 st docent
6. Hajiyev Naib Ismikhan oglu- 0,5st senior lecturer
7. Huseynova Ganima Huseyngulu – senior lecturer
8. Aghakhanova Kamala Abish gizi-  assistant
Teaching assistant staff
1. Balayeva Afila Hasanbala - senior laboratory assistant,
2. Guliyeva Tarana Samaddin gizi - senior laboratory assistant,
3. Teyyubova Sadagat Rahim - senior laboratory assistant
2 Phd students, 11 master students are engaged in scientific work at the department.
Taught subjects at the department:
Bachelor degree:
1) Elements of automated electrical transmission
2) Modeling of electrical transmission systems
3) Theory of electrical transmission
4) Power transmission control systems
5) Exploitation, repair and adjustment of electrical transmission
6) Electrical transmission projecting
7) Diagnostics of electrical transmissions
8) Electric machines
9) Electrical and electronic devices
10) Power electronics and power transmission
11) Power electronics and management of transmission
12) Small powerful electric machines
13) Non-conventional energy production
14) Electrical transmissions of robots and manipulators
15) Basics of field technology
16) Automated electrical transmission of typical production mechanisms
Master degree:
1) Complex management systems of automated electric transmissions
2) Modeling of automated electrical transmissions
3) Projecting electrical appliances
4) Fundamentals of the theory of electrical devices
5) Electrical energy quality
6) Fundamentals of the theory of electrical transmission
7) Electrical transmission projecting
8) Theory of optimal and extreme control of electrical transmission
9) Regulation issues of electricity transmission
11) Special modes of electricity transmission
12) Transition processes in electrical transmission
13) Reliability issues in diagnostics of electric machines and electric transmissions
14) Modern problems of electrical engineering
15) History and methodology of electrical engineering
16) Switching processes in electrical systems
17) Mathematical modeling in power supply systems
18) Calculation and design of electrical supply systems
19) Optimization of electricity supply systems
20) Calculation methods of mathematical problems in electricity supply
21) Management systems of electric power
22) Electrophysical measurements
23) Electromagnetic compatibility
24) Project management
25) Industrial electricity supply
26) Testing and electrophysical devices
27) Research methods
28) Special type of electrical transmissions
29) High voltage electrical devices
30) Diagnostics of high voltage electrical equipment
31) Maintenance and repair of high voltage installations
32) Insulation of high voltage installations
33) Electrophysical basis of high voltage technique
Scientific directions of department: Electro technical systems and complexes (due to the spheres). Creation and diagnostics of electromagnetic elements of automated electric drive units and complexes of oil and chemistry industries such as Metallurgy, machinery, instrumentation and etc.
Latest publications of the department: 55 syllabuses, 14 bachelor subject programs and 13 master programs, 1 book, 16 articles including 7 articles abroad.
Personnel of the department are continuing the scientific and research work regularly. Department collaborates with higher educational institutions of our republic and the world: Mingachevir State University (Azerbaijan), Kazan State Energy University, Pskov State University, Ufa State Oil Technical University (Russia) and Atyrau State Oil and Gas University (Kazakhstan) Azerbaijan State Oil and Industrial University, Azerbaijan Institute of Architecture and Construction, Ufa State University and etc. Department is extending its relations day by day.
Awards of personnel:
1. Huseynov Turgay Klim oghlu was awarded with honorary diploma by Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan Republic in 2014 
Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-018-64-2-15-06