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XX Republican scientific conference of master students will be held at Sumgayit State University on May 14-15, 2020.

1. Physics
2. Mathematics
3. Mechanics
4. Electroenergetics
5. New information technologies
6. Chemistry and chemical technology
7. Biology
8. Ecology
9. History
10. Geography
11. Economics
12. Linguistics
13. Literary criticism
14. Pedagogy
15. Psychology
16. Methodology
17. Art criticism
18. Multiculturalism of Azerbaijan
In the theses submitted to the conference, the actuality of the problem should be noted and a proposal should be given on the areas of application of the research results conducted by the author. Preference will be given to the theses, containing justified substantial ideas.
Submitted theses will be checked for plagiarism.
1. Requirements to the theses:
• Format – A4, font – Times New Roman 11 pt, interval between lines – 1cm;
 Space: from top and bottom – 25mm, from left and right – 20mm;
Thesis title - with capital letters, bold font, in page width (first line);
Author"s surname, name, paternal name –in the middle, in bold with italics (second line);
The name of the university– in the middle, in italics (third line);
• E-mail address - in the middle, in italics (fourth line)
• The name of the section – in the end of the text of the thesis, on the left;
The text of the thesis – up to 2 pages, without numbering.
2. The theses should be submitted with the following documents:
The review of academic supervisor;
Extract from the protocol of the Department;
The letter to the head of Organizing committee of the conference rector prof.Elkhan Huseynov by the head of the university, in which the author studies.
3. The authors could submit no more than 2 theses.
4. Deadline for theses is April 5, 2020. They should be submitted in printed form or in electronic carrier to the address below:
Az 5008. Sumgayit city, 43rd block, Sumgayit State University (I educational building), Doctorate and Master’s program office (room 243)
Tel: 018 642-12-63; 018 642-15-06 (1-19); 012 448-08-37 (1-19).
5. The theses, that don’t meet requirements are not accepted by the Organizing committee, not reviewed, not returned.
6. Registration fees – 5 AZN for each thesis
The opening of the conference will be on May 14, 2020 at 11:00 in Assembly hall of SSU.


Sumgait city,
43rd district, Baku street 1,
Phone: +994-18 642-16-20