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Yerləşdirilmə tarixi : 15 September 2017 18:40
First Lesson in our University was devoted to Great Leader Heydar Aliyev

Different events are held in our country in respect of Heydar Aliyev’s memory. The conferences, symposiums, open lessons and this kind of important events which are held for genius leader differ for its publicity. The lectures devoted to Heydar Aliyev’s activity were as a precious present to teaching and student staff in Knowledge day. On September 15, first vice-rector of State Management Academy under President of Azerbaijan Republic, doctor of philosophical sciences, Professor Alikram Abdullayev delivered a lecture on “Heydar Aliyev is a founder of the idea of Islamic solidarity” in Sumgayit State University.
Leading scientific employee of Philosophy Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Ahmad Qashamoglu delivered a lecture on the same subject in Sumgayit State Technical College under SSU.
The vice-rector on Humanitarian affairs docent Ramiz Huseynov greeted the guests and congratulated everyone in occasion of Knowledge day. He notified that, dedication of knowledge day to promotion of Heydar Aliyev’s Islamic Solidarity idea shows that, we are the representatives of honorable nation respecting our history and national-spiritual values. After gaining its independence state administration has always shown special attention and care to the issue of Islamic solidarity. Specially after Great leader Heydar Aliyev’s return to power, state and religion relations have been regulated, multiculturalism and tolerance values were restored, Islamic factor turned to be special in foreign policy. Speaking about improvement of Azerbaijani culture, history, the role of Islam in transmission of our national-spiritual values to generations, he noted: “Islam has a great impact on our nation’s spirit, science, power and intellect. Our traditions and culture have passed from generation to generation via Islam and it has reached to present generations as our national resource. All conditions are provided to people to show their Islamic faith and this tendency will be continued. I suppose that, our religion will proceed for establishment of civil solidarity and unity at this difficult and hard period of our republic”. The vice-rector mentioned that, the thoughts of President of Azerbaijan Republic Ilham Aliyev about “Islamic solidarity” should be accepted as a logical continuation of the idea of “Islamic unity” put forward by Great leader Heydar Aliyev in the beginning of 90s of XX century (in 1993). It is known that, sectarian and civil wars which are occurring in Middle East and the socio-political tension arisen as a result of this condition show that Muslim countries need more spiritual solidarity. In this regard, declaration of 2017 “Islamic Soldiarity Year” according to the order dated 10 January 2017 signed by President Ilham Aliyev is a sign of his humanism, as well as his sensitive attitude towards Islamic countries’ unity.
Giving speeches on the topic of “Heydar Aliyev is a founder of the idea of Islamic solidarity”, Professor Alikram Abdullayev and Ahmad Qashamoglu spoke about the importance of Islamic solidarity and unity. They emphasized the role of the idea of Islamic solidarity which was founded by Heydar Aliyev, in the struggle against religious radicalism and extremism. 
At this sincere meeting the speakers answered several questions asked by attendees; the debate was run among students and teachers on modern life’s problems, Islamophobia, Islamic culture and etc.

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