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Career Center provides support for the promotion of intellectual capacity

The development and progress of the country is directly related to human capital. Azerbaijan is complexely developed in all spheres there is very close interrelation between the development and the care and attention to the youth
The Career Center of SSU Elkhan Huseynov was established by Elkhan Huseynov’s order dated 02.10.2015. The goal is the organization of trainings for undergraduates and masters corresponding their speciality ,to  take part in organization of production and pedagogical practices ,  to prepare them to labor and business world  by organizing fairs. The Career Center took an active part in the job fairs organized by Sumgayit branch of the State Employment Service under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population   on November 2015 and May of 2016. As a result of the negotiations Companies and institutions will participate in the future fairs which  will be held at the University , as well as on the basis of a sociological survey conducted by the Centre job fair  the aspirations of job seekers studied and analyzed.
All achievements prove that the activities organized Career Center, is of crucial importance in the lives of students and graduates. December 02, 2015, "the first step in a career" training was organized with the aim of helping the fourth-year students and graduates. Thus, the problems they faced while embarking on his career are CV  filling and ignorance in the interview. The seminar- training on the theme "The first step in a career, how should be a job interview “ gave a lot of information to the graduates. Last year Career Center on December 5 gave information the students with the help of the trainer  psychologist Irada Huseynova  about the life of a high school adaptation of first-year students at the University, to give them stimul and motivate them to the education process. On December 18, in the assembly hall of SSU, NLP founder and director Babak Bayramov  had a seminar named as a "road map of the road from university  to wealth", which gave  the students positive ideas to direct their thoughts and feelings in a positive direction, to believe in their potential and strength, once again, to think about what you are capable of , helped them how make more efficiently use of their time. this year ,on March 5, "Technique Capital Management" company's director, economist J. Ibrahimli "Securities market, current situation and future prospects", a seminar-training dealed with the legislative acts on securities market, the types of securities . On March 10, representatives of the Civil Service Commission under the President of Azerbaijan Republic , the chief of "Human resource management and civil service recruitment department,"  Afaq Huseyn and the chief adviser of "Human resources management sector,"  Kamil Bakshaliyev had a seminar named as "the nature and advantages of the civil service, civil service on the basis of acceptance of the conditions of competition and transparency ". As a result of the training-seminar  55 students  of SSU successfully passed the civil service exam and have been employed in various government agencies. Business consultant Fakhri Agayev on March 15, "Training seminar "Success. Are the  Conditions necessary? " gave the students many ideas on career planning, motivation-oriented ideas, business development, sales development, strategic management, management of the crisis period, management system.   
Career Center sent letters to a number of public and private companies in connection with the organization of industry practices at SSU and to establish new relations . It has  achieved  success in this direction too. There were established contacts with The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Azersun Holding,  State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan State, Pasha holding, Gilan Textile Park Ltd., the State Statistics Committee, the Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan Republic. The Center on April 24, held training seminar on the theme of  "the banking system" . The author of the training was branch director of "Amrahbank" OJSC,   the founder of the "RSH Consulting Company"  Ramin Bayramov. In his presentation he spoke widely about the history of the bank,  the establishment of the banking system and activities.
Next Tuition Centre  together with SSU Career Center on May 2-4, held the intellectual game" "dedicated to the memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev. According to the results the Department of History and Geography Genius from the Faculty of History and Geography took 1st place, 2nd place Avengers from the faculty of Economics and Management, from  the Faculty of Engineering, Access team took 3rd place. The winners were presented with gifts from partner companies.
Production of paper and cardboard Center complex on May 5, organized walks for the students.Enterprise logistics director, John Suer welcomed them. Noted about the establishment of the enterprise, social project objectives.
SSU in the whole mass, taking an active part in social and cultural events, all activities of the Career Center.
Translator: Khanlarova Aynura

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