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The meeting of the rectorate of Sumgayit State University was held
The first meeting of the rectorate of 2022-2023 academic year was held at Sumgayit State University.
Rector professor Elkhan Huseynov greeted the participants of the meeting and congratulated the teaching staff on the start of the new academic year and spoke about the necessary work   for the traditional formation of teaching at the university .
The vice-rector for the Organization of teaching and training technologies associate professor Natig Talibov, Naib Hajiyev the vice-rector for Economic affairs on the state of preparation for the 2022-2023 academic year.
Associate professor Natig Talibov said that the completion of the distribution of lesson load, preparation of class schedules in all faculties of SSU, preparations of auditoriums, laboratories and subject cabinets have been instructed to be inspected to the faculty deans.If there are noticeable shortcomings they should be eliminated for a short time. The vice-rector also noted that the student admittance of the SSU in the current academic year was quite high, 1455 students were admitted to 1490 plans, and registration still continues.
Vice-rector for Economic affairs Naib Hajiyev noted that the completion of necessary repairs on summer holidays in I, II and III educational buildings and “Student house” with high quality and international standards were successfully implemented with relevant furniture and providing necessary equipments.He also noted that to determine the list of the students who will live in the “Student house”was instructed to the faculty deans.
Rector professor Elkhan Huseynov noted that the capacity of “Student House” in terms of the total number of Student's contingent is not big, so the selection of the students must be carried out the participation of other students who have in need.
Then, the vice-rector of Social affairs and Public relations, doc. Elmar Khalilov gave information about the preparations related to September 15, "Knowledge Day" and to ensure the presentation of the student ticket who entered the university with high score was instructed to the faculty deans.
Rector professor Elkhan Huseynov once again congratulated the staff on the beginning of the "Knowledge Day" and the new academic year.
The relevant decisions were made after discussions and the meeting of the rectorate was over.
Translation: Linguistic Center
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